Plant food?


Well-Known Member
I'm doing my first soil grow, and I'm planting half my seeds in "organic" MG, and the other half in "Scotts" brand potting soil.
Anyways I have no clue what to do for fertilizer or nutes or plant food or w/e it's called.
Home depot didn't have a good selection, all they had was topical food, stuff I'm suppose to put a couple inches into the soil.
Is there any water based nutes that I could add a few drops of every other watering or something?
I went to the hydro shop, and they had the "happy frog" stuff, sounded familiar, but same thing, I had to put little pellets in soil.
I'm just looking for any good advice on plant food. I won't need it for a few weeks, but I'd still like to be prepared.



New Member
Always add extra perlite,and garden lime to the mix.You can use MG liquid houseplant for veg.,or if you want organic,check if they have FoxFarm ferts.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
I'm doing my first soil grow, and I'm planting half my seeds in "organic" MG, and the other half in "Scotts" brand potting soil.
Anyways I have no clue what to do for fertilizer or nutes or plant food or w/e it's called.
Home depot didn't have a good selection, all they had was topical food, stuff I'm suppose to put a couple inches into the soil.
Is there any water based nutes that I could add a few drops of every other watering or something?
I went to the hydro shop, and they had the "happy frog" stuff, sounded familiar, but same thing, I had to put little pellets in soil.
I'm just looking for any good advice on plant food. I won't need it for a few weeks, but I'd still like to be prepared.

check that bag of mg organic, i think someone else used something like that and it says on the bag that your supposed to mix the organic with soil. this guy used it straight and killed his seedlings. if i find that thread ill lik it to you. not possitive but just check the bag.
i used miracle grow soil and ferts my last grow and everything went well, but this time im going with sunshine mix and fox farm organics ferts.