Paradise Seed - Strain: Belladonna


Well-Known Member
Will check PPM and PH again tonight when the lights come on. Does anyone know if some light from the veg room will effect the time for flowers to appear. I need to work on Light proofing the rooms from each other asap. Feature Project.........


Well-Known Member
Found 6 males :(, must have been the mums I chopped up and killed. The three mums I have, 2 of them have female pistols. Took all new clones.

But, on the other hand, I found 2 that where female. So at least I will be able to see them bud.

Oh well.....shit happens. I prolly stressed them out too much. At least I got the Female and Males for the mums out of the way!

And on the positive note, the root development was very good with 100% perlite, ebb and flow hydro!

Fuck, now I am depressed, I was hoping to have a nice harvest coming up, looks like I will have to wait, and buy me a sac for now!



Well-Known Member
If you interupt their dark cycle, they will not flower.

The 12hrs of darkness allows them to build up the compound that initiates flowering. If they don't have the 12hrs of dark, they don't have the build up and will not flower.

You need to make sure that no light from your veg room, or anywhere else, gets into your flower room. Not only will it mess with the flowering, but if they do flower, you may end up with hermies from the stress.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info, I will work on that in the next few days. I mean its almost completely dark in there, if you take a peak you can't really see the plants. I will patch up the one little opening where I have electricity passing through, and the air exit from the veg to flower room. Then I need to put some black mylar where I have a small amount of light coming from the cooltube. The cooltube is connected to the veg room light as well and the light bounces back into the flower room.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are getting your hydro dialed in, very impressive. I just bought a couple of Hanna quick check meters for my ph and TDS. I still have to find the right nutrients. It would be nice to live in California and be able to pick up nutes for cheap, I have to order off the internet.


Well-Known Member
Nutes are less online most of the time. Hydro is def. Dialed in and much easeir to maintain then hand watering!

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Damn, sorry to hear about the light issues.
My first lady had balls growing on some branches for the first few weeks of flowering. I made sure the room was light tight with some duct tape and blankets and put tape over all my electronics in the room(the power lights) and the balls stopped appearing right away.
Glad to hear the hydro is working out for you. I think I will give it a go later in the year after I move outta the place Im in right now


Well-Known Member
Date: 12/31/08 9:00AM
Days 6/1

Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (600W HPS) ON 12/12
Distance from top of Growing Medium 38"

Temperature – 65-70F
Humidity - 50-60%
Room/Light vent running-
Small room fan 7/17

Nutrient Solution:
House & Garden Aqua Flakes A&B(77mL for 14 gallon rez) with Root Excelurator (@1mL per gallon) with H202 (35%) to keep the system clean @ 1mL per gallon.

PPM: 1100

Notes: Clones are growing very well! Thats about all I can say till i smoke them. The Power Skunk seems to not stop growing thought! While the Belladonna is staying short as well as White Rhino!

The Mums are way overdue for a some clones!



Well-Known Member
Thanks bud. I had some issues with lots of clones coming out as males. Only got 2 right now in flowering. But I have a few others on the bench waiting for roots, and to become new mums. So it might be a while till I get some solid female clones in there again. But at least I will be able to smoke it in a month or so....


Well-Known Member
I got my new light setup in the veg room. Just need to do some light proofing and sealing off the ventalation system. Pics coming tonight!


Well-Known Member
Thanks bud. Now I have about 3-4 more inches the plants can grow. There getting watered today, and Chopped tomm. Need a few more clones!


Well-Known Member
I took some black mylar and put it in front of the exhaust between the 2 rooms, and then where the light comes thought the vent it hits the white wall, so I put black mylar there too. Not working the best, but its better then it reflecting more light. Its not 100% light proofed. But the flowers are coming along great, so I can't complain.


Well-Known Member
I took some black mylar and put it in front of the exhaust between the 2 rooms, and then where the light comes thought the vent it hits the white wall, so I put black mylar there too. Not working the best, but its better then it reflecting more light. Its not 100% light proofed. But the flowers are coming along great, so I can't complain.
how old are they?


Well-Known Member
I have one belladonna that was female that has been in flowering from clone since Dec 26th. So about 4 1/2 weeks. I have another female that is 3 1/2 weeks. The description from the seed co. says 6 weeks of flowering is all that is needed. But I am going to let them go to week 7 just to make sure they have all the bud growth done plus I was still dialing in the Hydro in the begging and started them hard!

As for the white rhino, they say week 9 and there done, but most likely will go to week 10 just because there small clones straight to flower no veg time.

Then there is the mighty Power Skunk, which must grow 2 inches in height a day. The first clone has already surpassed 3 feet and is now higher then the light. And really no bud or much flowering. So I chopped 2 clones down to see if they will flower at shorter stalks and to stop them from growing tall. I think I am at a loss for Power Skunk unless they are grown outdoors. The clones are 3 weeks old and started out at 4 inches, and there passed 3 feet now. Thats like almost a foot a week!

Flower room grow medium is 100% Large Chunky Perlite! So far its working out really well. I should have taken a shot of the bottom of the pots with tons of roots coming out! Using House & Garden Nutes, 35% H202 in the tank.

All inspired by the Al B Fuct! Thanks Bud!



Well-Known Member
Hey Dewey-the power skunks sure are long and lankey, I got 2 females that are 4 foot plus and they are still a long way away from being done. I too went with the hydro set up, I'm doing the stinkbud setup. Very impressive cloning speed even with the Belladonna. anyway good job+ rep.
I have one belladonna that was female that has been in flowering from clone since Dec 26th. So about 4 1/2 weeks. I have another female that is 3 1/2 weeks. The description from the seed co. says 6 weeks of flowering is all that is needed. But I am going to let them go to week 7 just to make sure they have all the bud growth done plus I was still dialing in the Hydro in the begging and started them hard!

As for the white rhino, they say week 9 and there done, but most likely will go to week 10 just because there small clones straight to flower no veg time.

Then there is the mighty Power Skunk, which must grow 2 inches in height a day. The first clone has already surpassed 3 feet and is now higher then the light. And really no bud or much flowering. So I chopped 2 clones down to see if they will flower at shorter stalks and to stop them from growing tall. I think I am at a loss for Power Skunk unless they are grown outdoors. The clones are 3 weeks old and started out at 4 inches, and there passed 3 feet now. Thats like almost a foot a week!

Flower room grow medium is 100% Large Chunky Perlite! So far its working out really well. I should have taken a shot of the bottom of the pots with tons of roots coming out! Using House & Garden Nutes, 35% H202 in the tank.

All inspired by the Al B Fuct! Thanks Bud!