Instead of Bottled Water, PH strips and PH Meters/Readers...Heres What YOU Can Do


Well-Known Member
Use rain water.... snow or hail.... whatever....

once it starts to fall out of the sky, just throw a bucket outside to catch the water/snow/hail... and that water is just as good as bottled water or whatever yall use

i know this isn't a big addition to your knowledge... but i figured it would help someone out there

oh yeah... i know some of yall will still need your ph strips and stuff if yall doing hydro or whatever else... just wanted to get yall attention


Well-Known Member
That is fine for just plain water, but once you add nutes to the rain water you are going to need a pH meter and some pH up. Your nutes will drop your pH drastically and you will need to check the pH after you add your nutes. If your water starts off at like 6.0, by the time you add your nutes you will be well into the low 5's if not down into the 4's.


Well-Known Member
I would have to have a lot of rain barrels to catch enuff water cuz it doesn't rain here that often. Maybe once a week and one bucket of water ain't going cut it.


Well-Known Member
just curious, if i didnt want to buy bottled water, or i was too lazy to distill water, could i use that stuff you put in water to make it safe for fishtanks? i know it has a little beneficial bacteria for fish and promotes a slime coating, would that be bad for plants?


Well-Known Member
just curious, if i didnt want to buy bottled water, or i was too lazy to distill water, could i use that stuff you put in water to make it safe for fishtanks? i know it has a little beneficial bacteria for fish and promotes a slime coating, would that be bad for plants?
If your tap water is that bad get an RO filter. Reverse Osmosis filter your tap/well water and it will be fine.



Well-Known Member
where would i find one of those? i should test my tap water actually i have some test strips for my fishtank that tell me all kind of info


Well-Known Member
where would i find one of those? i should test my tap water actually i have some test strips for my fishtank that tell me all kind of info
RO filter? Any hardware/home improvement store should have one. They are called Reverse Osmosis water filters, most people call them RO filters though.

Call around, or even check the yellow pages of your local phonebook under Water Treatment.



Well-Known Member
there 150.00 and higher.. pretty damn expensive.
How much money are you gonna spend on bottled water to feed 30 plants for 3 months? And some people grow a lot more plants than that. And all the money you spend on gas going to buy that water all the time, and your wasting Your time.

$150 for a one time cost and you have good water right from the tap. Good for your plants, and good for yourself. You dont have to waste money on bottled water for yourself either.

A lot of bottled water companies just use RO filters and tap water anyway.



Well-Known Member
ya, it will definately pay for itself, even if i dont drink bottled water usually tap, i'm sure its healthier. all i drink is water...well, besides alcohol on the weekends


Well-Known Member
water from the fish tanks is used by many people to water their houseplants because of the fertilizer from the fish... don't know how it would work out for MJ... but people do use fish emulsion


Well-Known Member
ya, it will definately pay for itself, even if i dont drink bottled water usually tap, i'm sure its healthier. all i drink is water...well, besides alcohol on the weekends
ha...thats my life in some ways..ha

but i'm surprised you spend so much on water


Well-Known Member
It doesn't really take all the much water to come out to $150, especially if you're running hydro.

You are going to be paying like 25cents a gallon. Lets say you have a couple of 18gal DWC systems going. Thats 36gallons of water for just two of them. It is going to cost you $9 every time you fill the tubs. Plus you are going to be adding water almost daily. You change your tubs like every week to 2 weeks. So lets call it $10 every 2 weeks, or $5 every week. There are 52 weeks in a year, so $5 x 52 = $260.

So in less than a year it has paid for itself. Even if you are using soil like I do, I go through close to 25 gallons a week of water. If I were to purchase my water, it would cost me like $6 a week.


Well-Known Member
25 gallons a week? holy crap.... are you serious or exaggerating?

if you spend 260 within a year or $10 a week... that really isn't anything... i'm sure people spend more than that on porn..... or at least, i know i do...ha


Well-Known Member
i use the fishtank water myself and i couldnt be any happier the plants seem to love it. sure is cheaper then a RO filter lol


Well-Known Member
hay stoner... once i heard about the fish water, i got happy as hell too, even though i don't have fish...haha....

but i have a fish tank now and planning to buy some fish, help make the place look better, you know? kill 2 birds with one stone.... especially since i'm a type of person that hates the whole process of changing fish tank i will NEVER have too, haha.... i'm gonna bottle it up


Well-Known Member
well...i'll still change it.... but i know once you remove a certain amount of water a week and dump fresh water in, you don't have to replace the whole tank of water