Why America Must Prosecute War Crimes


New Member
Our veterans throughout history have given their lives to fight for the ideals that make this country special. They fought and died to stop opressive governments who lied to it's polulation and made victims of their citizens. Fought and died to stop governments that sponsored torture... There is no price higher than the lives lost to get to our ideals and by ignoring what has happened we disonor ourselves and all veterans who ever served. It basically makes their deaths and sacrifices worthless when we turned out as evil as the evil we supposedly conquered.
Frame this and put in on the walls of congress. We must prosecute or render them to the Hague


Well-Known Member
Our veterans throughout history have given their lives to fight for the ideals that make this country special. They fought and died to stop opressive governments who lied to it's polulation and made victims of their citizens. Fought and died to stop governments that sponsored torture... There is no price higher than the lives lost to get to our ideals and by ignoring what has happened we disonor ourselves and all veterans who ever served. It basically makes their deaths and sacrifices worthless when we turned out as evil as the evil we supposedly conquered.
Excellent point ... :clap: we are indeed dishonoring ourselves, the people that died, our country and the countries we violated ... if we do not address and hold these war criminals accountable ... it's not a matter of if they did it ... we know they did ... now what are we going to do about it?:shock:
Thanks for posting ... :eyesmoke:


New Member
This is a case of the blind leading the blind.... well done.

The hague.... that one made me chuckle...ty med

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Let's get in the car and run 'em over............

He could hop on a plane, walk like a man in his cowboy boots up to wherever he needs to face a trial in an international court, and just turn himself in. Be the big man and take the blame for making the top level decisions that broke all forms of laws and human rights, and directly led to the deaths of at least a few prisoners of war in violation of US and International laws and treaties.

He should step to the plate and throw himself on the mercy of the court and claim temporary insanity. Then everyone around him can claim temporary insanity too, and then the debate will be just about whether it was temporary or not but he'd probably do fine and end up in a nice retreat for a while with rubber rooms.


Well-Known Member
This is a case of the blind leading the blind.... well done.

The hague.... that one made me chuckle...ty med

out. :blsmoke:
You should know ... your one the blindest MF on this board ... I'm delighted the asswipes with your mentality are no longer occupying the WH ... no wonder they had to redecorate ... to get out the war criminal stench ... :clap:


New Member
I think it's time to fire everyone who holds any political office. Blago isn't even going to bother to show up at his own impeachment hearing. Now there's some ex senator or something from NY that is busted with both hands in the cookie jar.

Let's line every last one of them up against a wall and shoot them. I've had enough of this white collar crime.


Well-Known Member
http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Official_UN_may_prosecute_Bush_administration_0122.htmlOfficial: UN may prosecute Bush administration, regardless of US action
The UN's special torture rapporteur called on the US Tuesday to pursue former president George W. Bush and defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld for torture and bad treatment of Guantanamo prisoners.

Cheney and members of PNAC need to be charged as well ... they probably would be once it came out in the trial ... if it ever gets that far that is ... :neutral:


New Member
I hope they do it, it'll save us tax dollars. Maybe he'll get a fair trial in the way that he won't be excused because his family has money.........


Well-Known Member
I am so glad t.v. news isn't permitted to affiliate itself with any political party in the U.K.(supposedly) watching fox or msnbc turns my fucking guts. Moronic drivel. Msnbc is so horrific, i wonder whether they're a shill.

On one level, Fox isn't so bad, it blurts out a constant stream of right wing hate, fear and negativity, and support for inexcusable behavior by its cronies, obvious. Msnbc seeks to manipulate the views of decent people(not too bright though maybe),turns them into rabid, uninformed shite, and leaves them open to attack.

It's hardly difficult to see the horror the Bush administration has inflicted upon the world, if msnbc was genuinely in opposition to them, then why would they do such a bad job of informing that opposition. Instead of pursuing their dreadful, whiney faux indignation, they could gently point out the facts; but of course they won't, 'cause they're cunts.

Anyway, let the Hague handle Bush et al, let the ICC handle the media Israeli style, and give Obama a chance to work with the people who so desperately want to work with him.

Thank fuck these Bastards are out of office, they had their chance, now they just need to be doing some hard time. Abu Ghraib? Guantanamo? No. Just some regular arse-fucky American joint would do just fine. Peek up de soap. Hahahahahahahah


New Member
It's a fool's errand and so far I have never sensed a more appropriate truism to these postings... have at it Don Quixote.... have at it.... and watch the dem's majority vaporize in two years.... it'll be a hoot to watch.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It's a fool's errand and so far I have never sensed a more appropriate truism to these postings... have at it Don Quixote.... have at it.... and watch the dem's majority vaporize in two years.... it'll be a hoot to watch.out. :blsmoke:
Only a bushwhack hope and dream ... nothing based on facts ... no surprises here ...


Well-Known Member
GR, this fool lives to taunt you and I and any liberal on this site. Most conservatives are either rich or wannabees. The wannabees are the worst
I'm sure he does ... but the question is ...which of us is having the most fun?:eyesmoke: ...

not to mention it's so easy to make them look stupid ...

and you are right the wannabees are far worst ...:neutral:

lots of bushwhack brain rot going on that's for sure ...


New Member
I'm certainly having fun.

1.) I'm not a Republican :lol:
2.) I'm financially protected form the atrocity which about to unfold. :mrgreen:

Let's see who's happier in two years... :lol: I'll laugh last, but I'll throw in some pity as a bone for yah... I'll leave off the I told you so as well. You'll be at a breaking point by then and I don't want to rub salt in the gaping financial wound you'll all be bearing... sorry!!

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I'm certainly having fun.

1.) I'm not a Republican :lol:
2.) I'm financially protected form the atrocity which about to unfold. :mrgreen:

Let's see who's happier in two years... :lol: I'll laugh last, but I'll throw in some pity as a bone for yah... I'll leave off the I told you so as well. You'll be at a breaking point by then and I don't want to rub salt in the gaping financial wound you'll all be bearing... sorry!!

out. :blsmoke:
Uhhhh, where did you say you lived, Address please. I'd like to send you a gift,~LOL~.


New Member
Well, when you are finished there's a nice cot and two hots waiting on you. I'm sure you will find prison convo exhilarating .. "give me your f*ckin pudding!!"

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Well, when you are finished there's a nice cot and two hots waiting on you. I'm sure you will find prison convo exhilarating .. "give me your f*ckin pudding!!"

out. :blsmoke:
I may entertain criminal activities, I just don't carry them out as you do. It may be you with a number on your back. If we ever meet there, we'll see who gets the fucking "puddin".