Can you make a male plant turn female somehow?


Active Member
I think this speaks for itself.....
im not that stupid, im sure you think your being a REAL TOUGH GUY threatening me, but believe me... you just making yourself look stupid. and you arent going to do anything. i been in tooo many fights:fire: THATS A PUSSY if i ever heard one and i idk how fighting a bullet will help u out son
a bullet dosnt give a fuck how many fights uve been in im gonna find ur info one way or another and i gave u my info take a trip urself and ring my motherfuckin door bell i aint tough but ive shot people less deservin then u


Well-Known Member
I havent been here that long but read alot of threads. I never heard death threats. That was fukin insane! And I am glad to post in one of the most contraversy threads in 09.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
death threats, quadruple your profit with male plants.....

I love the internet....... :razz:

yes you too can be a weed barron with $600,000.00 dollars in your safe...imagine if he can make a male into female that produces so much more then the female,what will happen when they turn there magic towards the females,the mother load ......:clap::clap::clap:


New Member
I'm making my plants watch chick flicks right now, want to make sure they're girls. I think I'm going to put a tiny TV in my veg cabinet just for that.......


Well-Known Member
Can not belive that im even replying to this along with the other 100 and what ever can you make a male plant into a female.The answer is no abit of advice who ever told you to pince the tops go around to his place and put one on his chin lol.