Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

so who watched that show on cnbc? what did you think about it?
overall I thought it brought to much attention to the amount of profit the "pot industry" is gaining each year, making it sound as if we are taking something away from the government by producing a product that they cant get their full share of. lord forbid we the people get an edge!!
so who watched that show on cnbc? what did you think about it?
overall I thought it brought to much attention to the amount of profit the "pot industry" is gaining each year, making it sound as if we are taking something away from the government by producing a product that they cant get their full share of. lord forbid we the people get an edge!!

No doubt they should just leagalize it and tax it. we could make paper from the biproducts and veg oil to run deisels off of. some places could get 2 crops a year. tax it like cancer sticks and how many people would grow then, not as much would just go get a pack of camel greens. lol
by keeping it illegal it puts a higher black market value on it. they make more $$ bustin people so the greed is the issue.:blsmoke: but little do they know that the taxing of weed would probbly get America out of debt in a year. lol
This is my Barney's Farm Sweet Tooth Plant. I germinated 2 seeds and this one grows like a BEAST. As you can see the stem is popping out of the 2" neoprene collar. The other plant is probably half the thickness of this one so needless to say I'm cloning this phenotype.

This is my Dutch Passion Strawberry Cough plant. I only germinated one seed here and it was a monster as you can see. Again - busting out of the neoprene collar. This plant was topped and some of the side branches are HUGE with buds.

Here is a shot of my bloom room. I'm not the best with photoshop but this is 3 pictures put together. My room is a 9x9 box basically and I'm standing at the back wall. I currently have 3 bloom systems and plan to add a 4th. Currently have (2) 1000w lamps and (1) 600w HPS. System in the middle is ready to harvest in about a week. System on the LEFT is only 2w into bloom and system on the RIGHT is 5w into bloom. The huge different in the plant size I'm attributing to the fact that the plants on the LEFT are good quality seeds bought from reputable companies. The ones on the right are NOT. So let this show you guys - you really do get what you pay for with seeds and genetics.

Finally here is a pic of ONE of my clone units. I have 2 clone units and 2 veg units. In the clone unit you see plants started from seed. The big one in the front is BCBD The Black. Also in there is BCBD The Purps, Greenhouse Seeds Trainwreck, Big Budda Cheese, and Barney's Farm Red Diesel.

I hope you guys like the pics and I'm gonna be adding some new content on the thread with regards to improving your grow room efficiency.

This is my Barney's Farm Sweet Tooth Plant. I germinated 2 seeds and this one grows like a BEAST. As you can see the stem is popping out of the 2" neoprene collar. The other plant is probably half the thickness of this one so needless to say I'm cloning this phenotype.

This is my Dutch Passion Strawberry Cough plant. I only germinated one seed here and it was a monster as you can see. Again - busting out of the neoprene collar. This plant was topped and some of the side branches are HUGE with buds.

Here is a shot of my bloom room. I'm not the best with photoshop but this is 3 pictures put together. My room is a 9x9 box basically and I'm standing at the back wall. I currently have 3 bloom systems and plan to add a 4th. Currently have (2) 1000w lamps and (1) 600w HPS. System in the middle is ready to harvest in about a week. System on the LEFT is only 2w into bloom and system on the RIGHT is 5w into bloom. The huge different in the plant size I'm attributing to the fact that the plants on the LEFT are good quality seeds bought from reputable companies. The ones on the right are NOT. So let this show you guys - you really do get what you pay for with seeds and genetics.

Finally here is a pic of ONE of my clone units. I have 2 clone units and 2 veg units. In the clone unit you see plants started from seed. The big one in the front is BCBD The Black. Also in there is BCBD The Purps, Greenhouse Seeds Trainwreck, Big Budda Cheese, and Barney's Farm Red Diesel.

I hope you guys like the pics and I'm gonna be adding some new content on the thread with regards to improving your grow room efficiency.

so very awsome:blsmoke::joint:
You may have a hard time fitting the PVC sprayer assembly inside round PVC pipes. The round pipes will want to roll also.

You really should use fence posts!!!!

yes very good point stink

the sprayer doesnt sit in the best but i think it will work for now

this 1 is for my friend i wanna make 1 for myself with fence post:)

i wanna try and clamp these down, and just see it mist i dont even know if these misters are gonna work

how do you apply pvc cement? lots of lil?kiss-ass
nice.... even your lower class plants (don't tell them that though) are looking better than anything i have ever grown.

can't wait till i'm totally into motion.
No doubt they should just leagalize it and tax it. we could make paper from the biproducts and veg oil to run deisels off of. some places could get 2 crops a year. tax it like cancer sticks and how many people would grow then, not as much would just go get a pack of camel greens. lol
by keeping it illegal it puts a higher black market value on it. they make more $$ bustin people so the greed is the issue.:blsmoke: but little do they know that the taxing of weed would probbly get America out of debt in a year. lol

American debt will never be paid off, it can never been paid off simply because of the interest that must be paid on that money. We are forever in debt, even if they legalize all drugs/illegal medicine, the money that has already been put in circulation has not been paid off nor its interest, therefore the next circulation of money can never paid off the old debt even if the new loan was to pay off the old debt and interest, its a simple refi. interest sucks ass if you are the reciever

FUCK YOU WORLD BANKS BILDIBURG AND ILLUMINATI....i mean, i love to hate you guys!:joint:
American debt will never be paid off, it can never been paid off simply because of the interest that must be paid on that money. We are forever in debt, even if they legalize all drugs/illegal medicine, the money that has already been put in circulation has not been paid off nor its interest, therefore the next circulation of money can never paid off the old debt even if the new loan was to pay off the old debt and interest, its a simple refi. interest sucks ass if you are the reciever

FUCK YOU WORLD BANKS BILDIBURG AND ILLUMINATI....i mean, i love to hate you guys!:joint:

The Zeitgeist Movement: http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com/index.html
American debt will never be paid off, it can never been paid off simply because of the interest that must be paid on that money. We are forever in debt, even if they legalize all drugs/illegal medicine, the money that has already been put in circulation has not been paid off nor its interest, therefore the next circulation of money can never paid off the old debt even if the new loan was to pay off the old debt and interest, its a simple refi. interest sucks ass if you are the reciever

FUCK YOU WORLD BANKS BILDIBURG AND ILLUMINATI....i mean, i love to hate you guys!:joint:
yeah dude I didnt even think of that. wow that sucks. Ohh well if it gets to bad theres allways canada. lol:blsmoke:
I had been reading and comtemplating what kind of grow setup to do next, I am on my first soil grow right now, and was thinking I was going to do a 12 bucket dwc system. But after reading this thread I am about to get started on your build, Stink. But I'm going to be using 1 big 45 gallon res, 4 posts, and a 800gph pump. I have 2 questions that I'm sure you covered but thought you might indulge me by answering again. I am also a medical grower from Oregon, tho I just started and have been spending the better part of 2 months reading websites and every book the county library has to offer.

My questions are.
How do you transfer plants from the veg unit to the bloom unit without hurting your roots?
Do you think a 45 gallon res would be big enough to run 4 posts?
My questions are.
How do you transfer plants from the veg unit to the bloom unit without hurting your roots?
Do you think a 45 gallon res would be big enough to run 4 posts?

Hi Tronica and welcome to the thread.

Your first question - you just take the plant out with the netpot and collar and pop it into the system with everything intact - plant, netpot, collar, and roots all move as one.

On your second question -
I've actually done the calculations on this regarding a 45 gallon res.

There is a rubbermaid roughneck that I'll be using that you can fit THREE posts across and have them safely drain into the res. The space between plant sites should be ~7" and a 3" space at the end of each post. I plan to use THREE 60" (i.e. 5 foot long) posts with EIGHT plant sites each for a total of 24 plants.

If you want to try to squeeze 4 posts on it go for it, but I wouldn't go much past 28 plants. Most of us are running a 400gph pump with 14 plants.

Hope that helps,
H:joint::joint:ey stink buddies some more:hug: pics ive been hard at work building all this taking clipping going to the hydro shop for timers pumps and so on :hug: have a nice weekend peace:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:og kush is so good to me


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Hey stink quick question What to you use to inspect the buds on your flowering plant to know when its time for harvest? I got a magnifine glass but what else is their.

I have a magnifying glass that is used for photography.

Truth is I can tell just by looking at them and don't need the glass anymore.

Get a hand held microscope at Radio Shack to check yours.
just a quick point re the ez-clone sprayers - i just couldnt get them to work - tried all kinds and was pullin my hair out till my wee matey who is a plumber suggested just drilling the pvc pipe with the smallest drill bit of 1mm - works 100% and the good thing is for different directs of spray u just drill at an angle - sooooo easy its scarey.
just my 2 pence worth from the emerald isle!!!! lolol

save your money on the sprayers and just drill that bitch up
yeah that scares me i hope a i get a mist coming out of these i think i had to use a size up drill bit


can i use any size bin for clone and veg system?

i got roughneck containers but i cant seem to find the 18 gal ones, maybe i should try a place like walmart or something

anyways i got bigger ones can i use them?

how is it putting on pvc cement? use lots or lil whats ya think
Hi again Stink and everyone. Me Zoey...still lurking this thread! Whew...257 is a lot of pages, but I'm makin' it ok...and damn fine reading! A quick thank you to DP for specifying what size pump...I had forgotten to write that down and was sort of dreading going back through all the pages to find one answer! Also, I wanted to echo something that someone (I'm sooo sorry I have forgotten who) had said about Stink being one of the only people to CLEARLY spell out ALL the details about how to set this up...it really is an amazing system, and takes all the mystery out of it for those of us who have never traveled this green path!
OK....so I've heard it said that there are no stupid questions, only stupid people!!! I hope this doesn't make too many people groan...but I really don't know the answer. You guys use too many acronyms!!! Can someone please tell me what the following acronyms are: NFT and UPS. (which I think I can safely assume is NOT a brown delivery truck driven by a very grouchy guy who throws my package over the back fence??!) Also, I guess I haven't gotten far enough into the thread yet (I keep skipping to the end to post) to see if Stink had tried out that idea of running the CO2 through the frame. I was just curious if it had worked. Although I just finished reading though Dirt's grow journal, and wondering if I should wait to see if I need to put out that expense at all right away. (Kudos again, Dirt! Have you recovered from your "testing the product"? LOL)
Thanks so much everybody for being so supportive of everyone here....so NOT like the, dare I say, "Moral Majority"? (don't give me shit...it was a joke...a bad one...but a joke none the less!
Hi again Stink and everyone. Me Zoey...still lurking this thread! Whew...257 is a lot of pages, but I'm makin' it ok...and damn fine reading! A quick thank you to DP for specifying what size pump...I had forgotten to write that down and was sort of dreading going back through all the pages to find one answer! Also, I wanted to echo something that someone (I'm sooo sorry I have forgotten who) had said about Stink being one of the only people to CLEARLY spell out ALL the details about how to set this up...it really is an amazing system, and takes all the mystery out of it for those of us who have never traveled this green path!
OK....so I've heard it said that there are no stupid questions, only stupid people!!! I hope this doesn't make too many people groan...but I really don't know the answer. You guys use too many acronyms!!! Can someone please tell me what the following acronyms are: NFT and UPS. (which I think I can safely assume is NOT a brown delivery truck driven by a very grouchy guy who throws my package over the back fence??!) Also, I guess I haven't gotten far enough into the thread yet (I keep skipping to the end to post) to see if Stink had tried out that idea of running the CO2 through the frame. I was just curious if it had worked. Although I just finished reading though Dirt's grow journal, and wondering if I should wait to see if I need to put out that expense at all right away. (Kudos again, Dirt! Have you recovered from your "testing the product"? LOL)
Thanks so much everybody for being so supportive of everyone here....so NOT like the, dare I say, "Moral Majority"? (don't give me shit...it was a joke...a bad one...but a joke none the less!

I can help with those acronyms,

NFT - Nutrient Film Technique - The way NFT hydroponics systems work is the plants roots are partially airborne and partially submerged in a thin "film" of mobile nutrient solution. The plants are grown above the nutrient reservoir tank. The nutrient solution is controlled by a submersible pump which circulates the water up to the plants and back down to the reservoir. The roots are only submerged in about 1-3mm of nutrient solution that flows slow enough to prevent damage to the tender root system.

UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply - also known as a battery back-up, provides emergency power and, depending on the topology, line regulation as well to connected equipment by supplying power from a separate source when utility power is not available. It differs from an auxiliary or emergency power system or standby generator, which does not provide instant protection from a momentary power interruption. A UPS, however, can be used to provide uninterrupted power to equipment, typically for 5-15 minutes until an auxiliary power supply can be turned on or utility power is restored.

PPM - Parts Per Million - Parts-per” notation is used, especially in science and engineering, to denote relative proportions in measured quantities; particularly in low-value (high-ratio) proportions at the parts-per-million (ppm), parts-per-billion (ppb), and parts-per-trillion (ppt) level. Since parts-per notations are quantity-per-quantity measures, they are known as dimensionless quantities; that is, they are pure numbers with no associated units of measurement. In regular prose, parts-per notations generally take the literal “parts per” meaning of a comparative ratio. However, in mathematical expressions, parts-per notations function as coefficients with values less than 1.

Hope this helps =)
Oooops. I forgot one acronym...PPM. Thanks!

Parts per million =amount of fertilizer in soil

UPS is a battery backup

NFT is Nutrient Film Techinigue ( nice spelling) Just mean we take the solution and run it over the roots creating a film of fertilizer
Hope I helped I am sure someone else will explain better

just as I was posting :)