Grass to Green??

this shit looks like a total scam why is rollitup allowing it on here???

Prob so all the stoned people will click on it so RIU gets paid lol Kinda retarded half the time it just shows up as a link instead of a banner lol. Dont really bother me to much I never click on the crap if I see something interesting I just google the name lol.:-P
how else do you think they keep this place running?.....sell space for advertisements cuz you know the members dont donate enough money

oh i know they gotta put ads up man. but whats wrong with seedbanks and vaporizers and shit. not very noble to be advertisin for total scammers
oh i know they gotta put ads up man. but whats wrong with seedbanks and vaporizers and shit. not very noble to be advertisin for total scammers

advertisement doesn't work like that where you choose which adds you want......companys choose where they want their adds and after that its a matter of paying enough money to get that sure grass to green gets plenty of money from people who are dumb enough to believe that shit. Like its impossible to make up a story about someone making a lot of money. So they have enough money to buy advertisement space
nahhh thats not true. U can choose what advertisements to put on ur site. Especially with google ad-sense. THe bgigest online ad marketer. Its coz they know people are stoner enough to clicki on it and check it out. And to be honest why not they make money. And it doesnt effect us that much really.
i didnt even click on it but im sure there tryin to rob ppl if so why is that cool with rollitup i thought they valued there members enough to not try and get em robbed
well ive clicked on it and it refers me something to google. BUt to be honest noones gonna ever do it it seems like alot of effort i read something about it. The mods and whatever probably just think that the ad banner is funny hehe. Which it is makes me laught a lil bit.
Maybe they should post my version of it up:

lol at the picture above.

every time some one clicks on that advertizment i belive riu gets a % of $$

u can make money from doing it, but no were near as much as they say.....

its all about how many click's you get.. if u spam the link or advertizement.. u get more clicks.. which = more money.