Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey....aren't there a lot of folks from Cali on this site?Let's ask them!
I wish...my cousin from cameron park ca. will be there and I have not seen him for 20 years. he is prolly gay...california..you know.
doesn't that sound like one those gay california places...cameron park...I thinks thats the #1 gay guy name, cameron...:bigjoint:
Quick, teabag Grandma!
God bless her... my we all make it that far.......

More dangly bits then you can shake a set of dentures at..... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
my buddies name is cameron. lol

i'm back from the vet. kitties are good for another year. my kitty weighed in at 11 pounds, my wifes kitty is 15 pounds. very healthy. :)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Ive got a twelve pounder.But he keeps growing since I neutered him.I'm so happy, though, he still has sex.My mom's cat went into heat(she's still staying here)and he helped her out.I was so worried I took that from him.
my buddies name is cameron. lol

i'm back from the vet. kitties are good for another year. my kitty weighed in at 11 pounds, my wifes kitty is 15 pounds. very healthy. :)


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I got my homeowners insurance bill and my flood insurance bill both in the mail today......and it's not even my birthday......:roll:
Wow, I am surprised you can get flood insurance. You can't even buy that here in Ontario Canada. You can buy sewer back up coverage but that is about it for water coverages. ;-)


New Member
I am forced to buy flood insuance because there is an ankle deep creek behind my house. The highest it's ever been is halfway across my back yard, and that was only once and caused by the city neglecting the storm drains.

It's like taking 500 dollars a year and flushing it down the toilet, yay.........:spew:


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty gay... I live in an apt., this place sucks BALLS though. But i guess the not having to pay for tons of shit is worth it. No electricity bills :"> keep them watts high!


Well-Known Member
my buddies name is cameron. lol

i'm back from the vet. kitties are good for another year. my kitty weighed in at 11 pounds, my wifes kitty is 15 pounds. very healthy. :)
I don't care what they say about you, you're all right.... :) JK :lol:
Anyone who looks after their beasts is all right in my books.. :eyesmoke:

Wow, I am surprised you can get flood insurance. You can't even buy that here in Ontario Canada. You can buy sewer back up coverage but that is about it for water coverages. ;-)
Talk about the lesser of two evils.... Flood please....... :eyesmoke:

I live on a mountain. If i get flood insurance we will be needing an ark!bongsmilie
"Noah this is jesus.. I want you to build an ark".................................
Noah: Yeah right...whats an ark...?".............................................
Jesus: "I'm going to flood the earth, you need an ark".......................
Noah: " Yeah right ".....................................................................
Jesus: "Make it a 100 cubits by 30 cubits".......................................
Noah: "Right, what a cubit..?"........................................................
Jesus: "I want you to gather two of each animal"............................
Noah: "Yeah right........ Who is this and wheres the cameras...........?"
Neighbor: "Hey Noah...get that out of my driveway.I'm late for work"................

*Bill Cosby......... bongsmilie



Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I am forced to buy flood insuance because there is an ankle deep creek behind my house. The highest it's ever been is halfway across my back yard, and that was only once and caused by the city neglecting the storm drains.

It's like taking 500 dollars a year and flushing it down the toilet, yay.........:spew:

I am still surprised that an insurance company would cover it. Not here at all. Flood is excluded on every policy I have ever seen (I am in the business, lol). They just don't pay and you are out of luck when it happens, plain and simple. :neutral::roll:


Well-Known Member
So am i... But we live in the ghetto noone around hear gives a fuck. the way everyone looks at it is. I wont report them for being loud so they dont report me.


Well-Known Member
My own and other ppls noise has really never bothered me as long as i dont have shit fallin off my walls im good... But as patient as i am with other ppl theres still one person that can drive me over the edge when it comes to to much noise... That would be my 6 month old son :| omg :| Love him to death though :))


Well-Known Member
In my apt block noise is OK .....we all make noise .. the guy downstairs played electric guitar... mostly Metalica.. but not all the time...