2 Clicks for a National Marijuana Ad Campaign


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I'm starting a suggestion on Change.org for them to run a national ad campaign regarding the positive benefits of marijuana legalization and how it would drastically improve our economy.

It only takes two clicks of your time, click the link and then hit the plus sign to get one step closer to having a national ad campaign promoting the legalization and regulation of cannabis.


Please spread this to as many crevaces of the internet as you can: Myspace, Facebook, other forums. Anything you can do would be appreciated.

As of now the only thing change.org has done for legalization is create a petition, and any bozo with a laptop or piece of paper can accomplisht that.


Active Member
I'm not sure what their motives are, but it is yet another outlet to give cannabis activists a soapbox. And anywhere there's a soapbox, I'll be willing to stand on it and shout to the world the truths about cannabis and cannabis prohibition, no matter how likely that box is going to fall out from under me.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
I for one am done with change.org. it's a bunch of crap to....
Just what we need,someone who gives up in the middle of a fight.If you want marijuana reform stop crying and stand up for what you believe in.The link provided shows the results of the poll that Obama had on Change.gov,with marijuana reform as one of the top 10 suggestions.
Marijuana reform has 319 comments compared to 66 on the next most talked about question.Read what they plan to do with this info,it is for YOUR benefit.Don't give up,nothing good comes from doing nothing.Please leave a comment.OPH


Well-Known Member
lol, See what the last vote got. not a friggin thing. So what if 3 out the top ten were pot issues and it was just brushed away. But sure i'll vote again like you said If you do nothing,nothing gets done. but I'm still thinking it a bunch of BS.