growing in a closet (shhhhh...)

I've started my own little project in one of my upstairs closets. It's about 4' x 4 1/2'. I'm putting a shelf in and will grow my sprouts (and clones later) on the bottom with 2 CFLs, and flower above with a light I haven't purchased yet. I'm putting a vent fan (like in a bathroom) in the ceiling and I'm using soil (50/50 perlite, Miraclegrow Moisture Control).
I wanted to ask... is there a way I can keep the plants small but still have a decent yield? Like kinda how you would keep a bonsai tree small... is that possible? Thanks :confused:


Well-Known Member
I've started my own little project in one of my upstairs closets. It's about 4' x 4 1/2'. I'm putting a shelf in and will grow my sprouts (and clones later) on the bottom with 2 CFLs, and flower above with a light I haven't purchased yet. I'm putting a vent fan (like in a bathroom) in the ceiling and I'm using soil (50/50 perlite, Miraclegrow Moisture Control).
I wanted to ask... is there a way I can keep the plants small but still have a decent yield? Like kinda how you would keep a bonsai tree small... is that possible? Thanks :confused:

by topping and using low stress training you can keep them plants relatively small saying they arent pure sativa

watch your watering with the mg moisture control over watering can happen too easily with that stuff


Well-Known Member
you can keep your veg period short, like 1 month, then your final product will be about 2 ft. and your yield will be decent. You can even skip the veg, and go right to flower. You'll keep 'em real short that way. You'll only get a few nugs off each plant tho


Well-Known Member
I grow in two closets and usually only veg for 16-20 days; assuming the plant is healthy. They end up only getting about two feet tall max. My last grow was only one plant but I got a little over a half ounce. The plant also was severely burnt because of MG soil. This grow should hopefully do better. I'm doing three plants this round.
I was shopping earlier and found some 100w CFLs. (By the way, Ihave a 24" tube flouresant, not a CFL). They put out about 1750 lumens each. Could I flower with about 7 of those set up all around the plants??

Thanks for the advice. First time and all...

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I was shopping earlier and found some 100w CFLs. (By the way, Ihave a 24" tube flouresant, not a CFL). They put out about 1750 lumens each. Could I flower with about 7 of those set up all around the plants??

Thanks for the advice. First time and all...
Yes you can flower with them. Your just have to get at least some lower Kelvin bulbs in there. 5000-6500 is good for veggin but you need something lower for flowering. Get some "soft white" when you go to flower, its more of a orange/red light
My mom just got done with her flouro/CFL grow and her buds are lookin great. Way airier then mine that where grown under a hps but its some great smoke

[email protected]

Active Member
Hey bro.. not to rain on your parade..u should buy some fox farm soil...16.95 for 1.5 cubic feet good stuff to. and some fox farm nute like fifty bucks maybe for all. and a hydrofarm t5 high out put floresent fixture i like the 4ft 4tube setup with two red and two blue bulbs for a full spetrum light like 140-165 $ and i grew five plants under it in 1.5 gal containers and yielded 2.5 ozs dry half ounce a plant so all in all you might spend the ssame on this setup as the other one and it will work nice.... and for clones you can get a two ft light fixtuer. floresent. check out this place i deal with them online theree good ... and if you do buy there use promo code beach it paid for my shippinh last time...good luck in your ventures


Well-Known Member
Glenn right brother...i just did this whole thing on fox farm and miracle grow...and the mgs turned out half the size and mostly males and the fox farm turned out just awesome...the mg moisture control i think is about the same in price as a bag of fox farm...but adding the perlite would help with what mg is bad for and that's drainage...If you are going to be spending atleast three to four months with these babies id say you might want to just go for the gusto cause you'll be wishing and wondering what could have can do the cfl for the veg state and get almost the same results as you would with a HID. BUT WHEN IT COMES FLOWER TIME you better be gettin a HPS i didnt want to either but was convinced by all these guys it would be the best and let me tell you they are right. You might have concernes with ventilation and heat in the closet but if you were going to be puting in a bathroom vent fan well than its not that big of a leap to get a 400HPS and get a reflector that has vent ports and maybe a glass shield put one end ducting to the exhaust vent and if you can afford it get another fan pushing the air on the other end of the you will double maybe even triple the outcome not only in weight but in quality as well you'll thank yourself for spending a little more

[email protected]

Active Member
Glenn right brother...i just did this whole thing on fox farm and miracle grow...and the mgs turned out half the size and mostly males and the fox farm turned out just awesome...the mg moisture control i think is about the same in price as a bag of fox farm...but adding the perlite would help with what mg is bad for and that's drainage...If you are going to be spending atleast three to four months with these babies id say you might want to just go for the gusto cause you'll be wishing and wondering what could have can do the cfl for the veg state and get almost the same results as you would with a HID. BUT WHEN IT COMES FLOWER TIME you better be gettin a HPS i didnt want to either but was convinced by all these guys it would be the best and let me tell you they are right. You might have concernes with ventilation and heat in the closet but if you were going to be puting in a bathroom vent fan well than its not that big of a leap to get a 400HPS and get a reflector that has vent ports and maybe a glass shield put one end ducting to the exhaust vent and if you can afford it get another fan pushing the air on the other end of the you will double maybe even triple the outcome not only in weight but in quality as well you'll thank yourself for spending a little more

Your right brother for the price of the t5ho you can get a 400wat w/built in ballasst ..if heat not a concern than i would go with the hps....yah and the fox farm i do still mix in alittle perlite still might aswell do it right the first time..


Well-Known Member
Your right brother for the price of the t5ho you can get a 400wat w/built in ballasst ..if heat not a concern than i would go with the hps....yah and the fox farm i do still mix in alittle perlite still might aswell do it right the first time..
T5 are the shit if i wasnt planing on trying to get a darkroom that has the vent ports for an hps set up id get the t5 my buddy has some and grew amazing looking buds with just them...come to think of it i think ill just take my little 250 hps and put it in the dark room and put a 2x2 t5 set up in my current grow room.
Your right brother for the price of the t5ho you can get a 400wat w/built in ballasst ..if heat not a concern than i would go with the hps....yah and the fox farm i do still mix in alittle perlite still might aswell do it right the first time..
Thanks everyone (glenn esp.):
My sprouts are about 2 1/2" tall now. Look Great!!! They're under 2 24" Daylight Flouras (6500k). I water daily, keeping them moist but not soaked. The perlite is really helping the drainage.
Would Ace Hardware carry an HPS with built-in ballast??? Wouldn't mind spending a little more money to get the job done, but I know shit about electrical work. And if these lights regire anything besides pluging them in, I don't trust myself enough for major work like that.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone (glenn esp.):
My sprouts are about 2 1/2" tall now. Look Great!!! They're under 2 24" Daylight Flouras (6500k). I water daily, keeping them moist but not soaked. The perlite is really helping the drainage.
Would Ace Hardware carry an HPS with built-in ballast??? Wouldn't mind spending a little more money to get the job done, but I know shit about electrical work. And if these lights regire anything besides pluging them in, I don't trust myself enough for major work like that.
Ace i havent seen any type of HID setups that they are selling but if you can find one there are lots of people that can help you disassemble and make a simple outdoor HPS to a remote ballast and a single hanging socket. There was a site called e-conolights and they sold a 150Hps set up that everyone and there grandma bought up on here because they were only like twenty bucks and a guy had posted a way to take them appart and make them a remote...i think that they are going to be putting them up for more money but thats a good way to go as well.