From clone to harvest in one easy post ;)


Well-Known Member
Thats a great grow my friend. You must have a green thumb, thats a nice harvest for your first time. I just finished my second grow and had some ph issues, only got an oz from 1 girl. 3rd grow is in flowering, top 44, 3 girls, with ph under control. so im hoping for a harvest like yours.


Well-Known Member
OK so i finally reddied the rest of my harvest including the biggest cola (by reddied I mean..trimmed all buds from the main stalks to go into jars) It was then weighed!

The votees were...

Stoneyjake....................over an ounce
Cali High........................22grams
Smoke and Coke...........32grams
Smokey Bandit22..........26.8

No one hit the magic number so I will take the closest without going over.

The Winner is!!!!!!!:?::?::?:


Well-Known Member
With a final trimmed and dryed weight of 1.43 ounces or 40.54 grams...........

Will Smoke and Coke please take the stage............:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Well done my freind youve won yourself an all exspences paid trip to your local rehab clinic for treatment for knowing far to much about pot:bigjoint:

For those interested the whole grow came in at 7.6 ounces or 215.46 grams.
As you can amagine i am well stoked!!:-P


Well-Known Member
Almost forgot...

Thanks to everyone on this site, whether you answered one of my lame questions or just had a great grow to aspire to, much appreciated!! Happy growin :hug:

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
7.6 oz. for your first grow with a 400 watt. very nice to hear a nice dry weight.
+ reps on a nice first grow. it should get better each time. great job.

as for my trip to the rehab, i will gladly accept it and use it to send my wife. :)
i dont nearly know enough about pot as i want to.