Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

>>>>o how quick the haters circle the wagon this is a free place to post if you dont like the material then tuff titty what i choose to wright about is what ever i choose and for the record i am right on with my numbers my light dose a total of 80,000 lumens more then enought to grow 14 plants you only need to buy journeyman tools when you are a journeyman<<<<

Where do you get 80,000 lumes from? a 42w CFL puts out 2800 lumes per bulb.
14 bulbs times 2800 equals a little less than half your claim. At 39,200 lumes.

All honesty I think your talking out your backside about any grow experience at all.
Over 3 oz's a plant from CFL's yeah OK. Do you SOG? SCROG? and who in there right mind would even think of growing 14 plants under cfl's? I don't push more than 6 under my 400w HPS.

Wheres the stats and proof? You ramble off all sorts of numbers and figures but back nothing. Then your numbers givin are found to be BS.What are you trying to prove by this? or are you just a forum troll who likes to create friction.

I'll tell you this right now. The cost of all those bulbs is almost the cost of a nice 400w HID ballast kit and bulb. $65 for ballast $13 for bulb. And the yield results are far better.
Though you claim to get 3 Z's off a single plant from CFL's indoors.
This is physically impossible under 39,200 lumes of CFL's. But hey who am I? I just work in landscaping and nursery. I know nothing.

42 Watt CFL - 150 Watt Incandescent Equivalent - Compact Fluorescent - Spring Lamp - Cool White 4100K - Mogul Base - 120 Volt - TCP # 28942H-277

Manufacturer: TCP
Manufacturer's Part #: 28942H-277
CFL Spring Lamp
Wattage: 42 Watt
Incandescent Equivalent: 150 Watt
Voltage: 120
Initial Lumens: 2,800
Operating Temp (Min.): -20° F
Operating Temp (Max.): 160° F
Life Hours (Avg.): 10,000

Cool White 4100K
Overall Length: 7.0 in.
>>>>o how quick the haters circle the wagon this is a free place to post if you dont like the material then tuff titty what i choose to wright about is what ever i choose and for the record i am right on with my numbers my light dose a total of 80,000 lumens more then enought to grow 14 plants you only need to buy journeyman tools when you are a journeyman<<<<

Where do you get 80,000 lumes from? a 42w CFL puts out 2800 lumes per bulb.
14 bulbs times 2800 equals a little less than half your claim. At 39,200 lumes.

All honesty I think your talking out your backside about any grow experience at all.
Over 3 oz's a plant from CFL's yeah OK. Do you SOG? SCROG? and who in there right mind would even think of growing 14 plants under cfl's? I don't push more than 6 under my 400w HPS.

Wheres the stats and proof? You ramble off all sorts of numbers and figures but back nothing. Then your numbers givin are found to be BS.What are you trying to prove by this? or are you just a forum troll who likes to create friction.

I'll tell you this right now. The cost of all those bulbs is almost the cost of a nice 400w HID ballast kit and bulb. $65 for ballast $13 for bulb. And the yield results are far better.
Though you claim to get 3 Z's off a single plant from CFL's indoors.
This is physically impossible under 39,200 lumes of CFL's. But hey who am I? I just work in landscaping and nursery. I know nothing.

42 Watt CFL - 150 Watt Incandescent Equivalent - Compact Fluorescent - Spring Lamp - Cool White 4100K - Mogul Base - 120 Volt - TCP # 28942H-277

Manufacturer: TCP
Manufacturer's Part #: 28942H-277
CFL Spring Lamp
Wattage: 42 Watt
Incandescent Equivalent: 150 Watt
Voltage: 120
Initial Lumens: 2,800
Operating Temp (Min.): -20° F
Operating Temp (Max.): 160° F
Life Hours (Avg.): 10,000

Cool White 4100K
Overall Length: 7.0 in.
I use 125wCFL's and have gotten well over 3oz per plant standard grow..I got 1.25lbs off 1 plant CFL, so, I don't know where you get your data from..BTW have you ever done a CFL grow? Oh about 6400K and 2700K bulbs..not 4100K and 3000K, Also I'll be willing to bet my electric bill is far less than yours as well.Another thing..I can lose 1 bulb and not lose my crop.I jusr grab a spare from the shelf.
>>>>o how quick the haters circle the wagon this is a free place to post if you dont like the material then tuff titty what i choose to wright about is what ever i choose and for the record i am right on with my numbers my light dose a total of 80,000 lumens more then enought to grow 14 plants you only need to buy journeyman tools when you are a journeyman<<<<

Where do you get 80,000 lumes from? a 42w CFL puts out 2800 lumes per bulb.
14 bulbs times 2800 equals a little less than half your claim. At 39,200 lumes.

All honesty I think your talking out your backside about any grow experience at all.
Over 3 oz's a plant from CFL's yeah OK. Do you SOG? SCROG? and who in there right mind would even think of growing 14 plants under cfl's? I don't push more than 6 under my 400w HPS.

Wheres the stats and proof? You ramble off all sorts of numbers and figures but back nothing. Then your numbers givin are found to be BS.What are you trying to prove by this? or are you just a forum troll who likes to create friction.

I'll tell you this right now. The cost of all those bulbs is almost the cost of a nice 400w HID ballast kit and bulb. $65 for ballast $13 for bulb. And the yield results are far better.
Though you claim to get 3 Z's off a single plant from CFL's indoors.
This is physically impossible under 39,200 lumes of CFL's. But hey who am I? I just work in landscaping and nursery. I know nothing.

42 Watt CFL - 150 Watt Incandescent Equivalent - Compact Fluorescent - Spring Lamp - Cool White 4100K - Mogul Base - 120 Volt - TCP # 28942H-277

Manufacturer: TCP
Manufacturer's Part #: 28942H-277
CFL Spring Lamp
Wattage: 42 Watt
Incandescent Equivalent: 150 Watt
Voltage: 120
Initial Lumens: 2,800
Operating Temp (Min.): -20° F
Operating Temp (Max.): 160° F
Life Hours (Avg.): 10,000

Cool White 4100K
Overall Length: 7.0 in.

okay mr grow guru please excuse us for not bowing to your superior knowlede.............................. bitch
have you ever heard of a t5? 42 cfls arent the only thing in a flouresent junkies arsenal......... and okay $65 + $13 for a good 400 watt hps setup is bullshit especially if you are using it for veg and flower then youll need the hortilux enhanced spectrum bulb and those are close to $100 i think...... so if you shelled out $13 on a 400w bulb i bet its shitty maybe you should do yourself a favor and go grab some cfls:idea::shock::idea:
I never claimed to be a guru and I never said CFL's or other lights were not OK in a last resort or small grows. I simply stated that lastfrontiers numbers did not add up. I never mentioned other cfl wattage's as he stated he used 42w so why would I try to pick apart other bulb wattage or disagree with his post.
Simply put it seams a lot of people on these boards have diharea of the mouth. The run there flap and supply numbers but in the end it's a load of BS.

Lastfrontier said he grew with 42w CFL's ranging from 12-16 bulbs. So I took 42w did research and did the math with a avg 14 bulbs. His numbers are bunk.
Can someone achieve 80,000 lumes from cfl's? sure I am not saying no.I'm picking apart the vast discrepencies in his post and will now do the same to winkdogg.

Winkdogg which is it? do you use 20 bulbs to achieve 480w or do you grow under 125w cfl's. You claim to use 125 but then your signature states 480w 20 bulbs. 20z's off one plant under cfl's. You must be a god because my outdoor gals only yield slightly more than that from mother nature.

Lets also do the math to prove electrical consumption. Believe it or not using multiple cfl's quickly equal that or more than a decent HID. Lets take the popular 100w equivelent cfl (26w) A single bulb pulls 390 milliamps or .39 amps. If a person pops 10 of these in there grow they are drawing more load from the circuit 10 bulbs at .39 amps is 3.9 amps. My 400hps draws 2.3amps.

To answer your question winkdogg. Yes I have experimented with cfl's and do use them for seedlings and clones. I have grown under almost every bulb type known to man since the 70's. Honestly some of my best grows were with flouro tubes. But again took many. I had bulbs on top bulbs up the backwall and bulbs standing up on the cabinet sides.
All I can say is when your going to talk shit back it up. I am not pulling numbers out my ass. I researched and posted the discrepencies. Don't put words in my mouth that I am bashing cfl's. I am simply stating that the numbers are off and to achieve his so called results are impossible. I then get a clown who claims to yield over a pound a plant indoors from cfl's. I bashed lastfrontiers numbers and then voiced my opinion and facts on cfl's.

There is a reason proff. indoor pot growers and indoor vegetable growers use HID lighting.And if one would sit down and research and do a bit of work instead of jumping on a forum and running from the mouth. Back your shit up. Figuring out lumes and amps then it's simple math. You would see efficiently wise HID is the best yield to electrical use. Do cfl's have a place in indoor gardening? for sure. They are great for small grows. Veg growth,clones, etc... Economically they are not the bulb of choice for full grows.
Do they work? yes. Decent results? sometimes. In the end buds are much less dense and smaller in size.

In the end the only advantage a cfl brings is the ease of spectrum spread and heat. But once your over 4 26w cfl's your amlost equal to the btu's a HID bulb generates. Find the btu's generated by a bulb and multiply it by number of bulbs. With a cfl your generating much less heat per bulb but again like the amps once you start doing the math your not gaining your actually losing. Cfl's are just spreading the heat over more area.

Each is own. I just know from experience. I know I'll never full grow under anything other than HID.
Isn't it simply freakin' amazing how those who have never grown with CFL KNOW all about how it's no good for growing*lol* Makes me wonder just what they've been growning as shwag..What ever it is..I don't want any!!*seg*
yea there are so many people out there that swear that the only way to grow is HID lights and the such you will never get a windows user to use linux they are afraid of what they dont know and so they by default hate and slander with malice intent because it is all they know not all do this just the ones who have no confidence in there self or those who think they know every thing i could sit here and tell the above poster who attempted to discredit me that i did not always use 42 watt bulbs and that at one time i did have a hood that ran at 80,000 lumen's but that would probably go nowhere for it is clear that he cant see past his own rage his rage from his lack of something skill or what ever the fact is you should grow with what you want what ever makes you happy i have used just about everything out there the method i prefer is airoponics style with an organic tea that i make and a great cfl hood that uses 30 count 42 watt bulbs of different kelvin ratings all computer controlled so i can remotely check on it all at any time from any terminal and i seem to always have a freezer full of what i need so the best of luck to you all ......... kiss-ass

Note: please review the thread LUMENS V. LUX i think that is what it was called i found that there was no need for 80,000 lumens i was wrong and otheres were right so i no longer requirer so many lumens.
yea there are so many people out there that swear that the only way to grow is HID lights and the such you will never get a windows user to use linux they are afraid of what they dont know and so they by default hate and slander with malice intent because it is all they know not all do this just the ones who have no confidence in there self or those who think they know every thing i could sit here and tell the above poster who attempted to discredit me that i did not always use 42 watt bulbs and that at one time i did have a hood that ran at 80,000 lumen's but that would probably go nowhere for it is clear that he cant see past his own rage his rage from his lack of something skill or what ever the fact is you should grow with what you want what ever makes you happy i have used just about everything out there the method i prefer is airoponics style with an organic tea that i make and a great cfl hood that uses 30 count 42 watt bulbs of different kelvin ratings all computer controlled so i can remotely check on it all at any time from any terminal and i seem to always have a freezer full of what i need so the best of luck to you all ......... kiss-ass

Note: please review the thread LUMENS V. LUX i think that is what it was called i found that there was no need for 80,000 lumens i was wrong and otheres were right so i no longer requirer so many lumens.

Pleae identify "above poster" as I'm next up, and I truly hope your post was not directed at me as I firmly believe that how one grows is their business. I too am dismayed by those who demean other whos beliefs aren't the same. as for puter control I'm working on a system of my own. I've located a CO2 sensor just haggling over price and far, they want me to buy 100 of them..Still looking foe an affordable 1.
Pleae identify "above poster" as I'm next up, and I truly hope your post was not directed at me as I firmly believe that how one grows is their business. I too am dismayed by those who demean other whos beliefs aren't the same. as for puter control I'm working on a system of my own. I've located a CO2 sensor just haggling over price and far, they want me to buy 100 of them..Still looking foe an affordable 1.

with out question it is not you it was the above poster that tried to discredit me and that was not you it was the person that is a landscaper and works at a nersery or something sufe70 but the post was not directed at you anotheroldfart i think you were on my side
yea man there are so many haters growing if its not your setup dont hate on it plain and simple this site is for helping not hating
Absolutely..btw check new pics a small sample of WW CFL about 1.5 o, still got the TALL girls to go..all 12*rubbing hands together* Remember...unfuck them all, as fuckin' is TOO much fun.



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We have foyur that age..What a GAS.. That takes us over 15 cats..Mostly rescues . I'll tell ya though, when it's elephant hour around here...look out..Then again of late it's been occurring around 02-0300..Good thing I'm usually still awake..
do you also keep a squirell? i had a dear old friend who befriended all the squirells and racoons in the neighborhood it was fun at his house!
i really like your set up and am going basically for the same thing. ive heard some people say that you should use only cooler bulbs for veging and warmer for flowering, you use both do you think it makes a large difference? what kinda of ventilation do you have in the room?