Winter outdoor growing


Well-Known Member
y not just put the plant beetween some tin or near a shed " some ppl could do this especially if they have two fairly close together...

i also take it your wanting the light reflected all around the plant????

im not sure how itd go considering the side walls will be blocking all the light from the sides and whatif it gets too bushy..
theres probably a way to make this technique beneficial if done right :)....

to needhelp

the same things happened to me i wouldnt so much as say were childish id just say they pressed the right buttons... i try to treat others how i want to be treated maself but everyone will find ppl in thre lifetime who deserve little respect... id say well done for the new thread thing least u didnt ruin someones thread and take it off cours like i did once.... had to request an edit for the page and i felt it only right to appologies... but dont take it to heart its a common thing on these forums lol


Well-Known Member
this is interesting....homemade greenhouse for weed....didn't think of that....but if daylight is naturally shortened due to the time of year....won't this knock off your plants internal clock?


Well-Known Member
this is interesting....homemade greenhouse for weed....didn't think of that....but if daylight is naturally shortened due to the time of year....won't this knock off your plants internal clock?
I was just thinking the same thing. I would personally just scratch the idea, actually I have thought about it, and I have already scratched it, deeming it impossible. So I'm waiting till early march to start my first outdoor grow. Yippeeeee! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
depends how you want to use it

if you make a greenhouse you will have to start it inside the greenhouse more times than none.. otherwise it loses more light than its used to and can trigger flowering... i have used the SHADEBOX idea a few times when i want to flower early....

the change in daylight hours will definately change when the seasons changed
heres a link so u may understand the concept read the thread and you may understand what i mean :) A very bad mistake! ... i tried to help him understand the shadebox idea sorry i cant be fucked writing it again...

what theyre talking about i think was reflecting the light around the plant more. so it reaches all the plant... if that makes sense.... hense i said just chuck it beetween two tin sheds as to they will reflect the light and not restrict any light from hitting the plant anywhere.. kinda using it as an opposite to ashade box and trying to fully utilize the days sun :)

is that right????

this idea sounds flawed in some aspects but ive got the general idea i think and dont let the others discourage ya... i think theres a way to make it work fot a few ideas already lol...


Well-Known Member
noooooo.... don't wait....still do it with bagseeds...check it out...there are people on here who does 12/12 from seedling till you never know...just don't expect a big ass plant if thats what you were aiming for....but a guy on here, del66666 does his that way and they look real good...but he uses 600w i think...

Jester : yeah i know what you're saying.... even though i started a new thread, people still bashed me for doing it...even got a neg rep for it, but i had gotten at least 1 good rep out of it, someone saw where i was coming from... then the staff said i was getting banned.... but i guess they investigated, plus i apologized and they deleted the thread and the bullshit report (thats right, he negative repped me, blocked me and reported me, ha).....we come on here with some cool ass attitude and they come at us all wrong because we're different or we're not stiff and act like we got a thumb up our ass.....but there are some cool peeps on here i like i'm a trash talker, so if they want a battle of words...lets get it ooooonnnnnnnnnnnn....ha


Well-Known Member
noooooo.... don't wait....still do it with bagseeds...check it out...there are people on here who does 12/12 from seedling till you never know...just don't expect a big ass plant if thats what you were aiming for....but a guy on here, del66666 does his that way and they look real good...but he uses 600w i think...

Jester : yeah i know what you're saying.... even though i started a new thread, people still bashed me for doing it...even got a neg rep for it, but i had gotten at least 1 good rep out of it, someone saw where i was coming from... then the staff said i was getting banned.... but i guess they investigated, plus i apologized and they deleted the thread and the bullshit report (thats right, he negative repped me, blocked me and reported me, ha).....we come on here with some cool ass attitude and they come at us all wrong because we're different or we're not stiff and act like we got a thumb up our ass.....but there are some cool peeps on here i like i'm a trash talker, so if they want a battle of words...lets get it ooooonnnnnnnnnnnn....ha
O don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing anyone, and I respect everyones enthusiasm, but I'm new to soil. Just taken a break from hydro. Doing my first soil grow, and I want to do one outdoors, but I want a good chance that I'll end up w/ a decent crop. So I'm just gonna stick to this indoor soil, and wait for the outdoor. +rep to you guys tho :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
O don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing anyone, and I respect everyones enthusiasm, but I'm new to soil. Just taken a break from hydro. Doing my first soil grow, and I want to do one outdoors, but I want a good chance that I'll end up w/ a decent crop. So I'm just gonna stick to this indoor soil, and wait for the outdoor. +rep to you guys tho :mrgreen:
haha.....are you high? well...if you rep me...leave your name and i'll rep you too...thats how i do it


Well-Known Member
true soil outdoors is easiest... i too maself am just sticking with it for a while and having a break have been for a while tho i gotta admit but ya gotta understand where i come from we can grow any plant beautifully outdoors anytime of the year and get awsome plants...

im just using powerfeed and miracle grow atm

mg once every so often and fish emulsion almost any other day doses varying i just like to keep it healthy looking... no real measurments just constantly making sure the solution doesnt rais the ph to much ie miracle grow only evey once and a while and powerfeed to keep it lush...

getting results that are really good

ive use steroids, horemones, hydro chemies the works... often change ma ferts from grow to grow but i thought id see y everyone hates MG a while ago, and i beg to differ im getting good results rivaling other more expensive products and things ive used and a lot less effort... i always follow the rule a little less is more.... u can always give it a little more ya know.... mind you this is only for veg (i also add some nitrogen every once and a while only a little as a tiny boost) then when its budding i give it some pot ash (old fire remains) or strait up potassium.. i generally get enough phosphorous from the mix of MG and FIsh emulsion (seasol POWER FEED concentrate)..

like i said since i tried it i gotta say its a good choice for outdoor plants :) and easy as fuck.... you only need the MG and Powerfeed to be honest....


i have started preffering outdoor growin (but i suppose getting busted kinda helps that decision too lol)

i live in OZ and if your climate is anything like ours you could get a sweet yield with minimal effort... do it right youl get dank bush buds that the common larry mistakes for hydro :)


Well-Known Member
have you seen the MG thread i started? thats the same reason i started it.... many people bash it and tell other people, especially newbies, to go get all these other expensive brands that you have to hunt down when you can use MG... fuck...MG says on the back guaranteed or some shit like that....and they're still in business strong...the reason people hate it is because of the mistakes they made and they refuse to blame themselves so they rather blame and start screaming at something that won't talk back..ex. soil....haha


Well-Known Member
have you seen the MG thread i started? thats the same reason i started it.... many people bash it and tell other people, especially newbies, to go get all these other expensive brands that you have to hunt down when you can use MG... fuck...MG says on the back guaranteed or some shit like that....and they're still in business strong...the reason people hate it is because of the mistakes they made and they refuse to blame themselves so they rather blame and start screaming at something that won't talk back..ex. soil....haha
I've recently started 8 seeds, 4 Northern Light, 4 Ice. I started half in MG "organc", and the other half in "Scotts" brand. I'm gonna do a little experiment of my own to see if I can get some good shit from MG. I know it's fairly easy to over water in MG, and very easy to burn. So I'm staying very observant.


Well-Known Member
i use half tropical plant mix and half miracle gro slow you said...gotta watch overwatering...but i use soda bottles, wrap the sides and i can see if there is still moisture at the that solves my overwatering problems


Well-Known Member
umm i makke ma own dirt... sometimes i dont even do that i just get some different soil and maybe a bit of sand and mix it with some of the nutrient rich soil i have found :)... i basically make it so it has good drainage but maintains water well... ta tel you the truth my soil can never seem to be too wet.... i also favour water crystals... remember were talking outdoors here... dont ever rely on these it just wont tend o work its more so the soil is nice and damp and to supply them with some sustinance on hard days.....

but like i said im currently using my own soil mix and basically just some miracle grow fertilizer and seasol... the extra potash and nitrogen i sometimes add arent really needed but i like to help ma plants thrive best i can... results are fine without...

sorry to say i dont really buy actual premaid potting mixes and rely on them... i dont know exactly whats in them and its harder to controll the ph for me..

i inda know how to work the soil to suit the plants now its hard to explain... youll be the same when you start making your own :) or get familiar with your soil...

my plants seem to thrive and be lush hense the little extra nitrogen they can afford to wantto shoot off a bit... basically what im saying is if the stuff was so deadly theres no way in hell id be able to add the little additions i add... but im serious when i say they dont need the extra ferts but i like to... i basically try read my plants and keep even ma new growth a real good green colour....

also had plants that have had been munched on all sortsa shit... the powerfeed really keeps the plantson track and thriving.... even if ppl dont like the miracle grow i advbise all outdoor growers tto try seasol powerfeed concentrate seriously :) do it right they dont eve seem to notice the leaf damage that much and appear to heal almost strait away.... i kid u not...


Well-Known Member
the mass of sn ice block couldnt

yaaaay did i win.....

but true ill have to check it out. i know ive had plants in some pretty cold weather all that happens is they dont grow as big....