129 ways to beat the draft


Master of Mayhem
This is an excerpt from 1001 ways to beat the draft:

1. grope J edgar hoover in the silent halls of congress
2. Get thee to a nunnery
3. Fly to the moon and refuse to come home
4. Die
5. Become secretary of defence
6. Become secretary of state
7. Become secretary of health, education and welfare
8. Show a lil' tit
9. Castrate yourself
10. Invent a time machine and go back to the 19th century
11. Start to menstruate (better red than dead)
12. Attempt to overthrow the government by force and violence
13. Advocate sexual freedom for children
14. Shoot up for a day
15. Refuse to speak to them at all
16. Enroll at the jefferson school of science
17. Replace your feet with wheels
18. Rent a hotel room an ewe
19. Rent a hotel room with a ram
20. Say you're crazy
21. Say they're crazy
22.Get muscular dystrophy when your a kid
23. Marry j Edgar Hoover
24. Take up residence in Albania
25. Stretch yourself on a rack until you become over 61/2 feet tall
26. Marry your mother
27. Marry your father
28. Marry your sister
29. Marry your brother
30. Marry your daughter
31. Blow up the statue of liberty
32. Marry your son
33. Marry lassie
34. Join the Abraham Lincoln brigade
35. Marry president Johnson
36. Marry Mao tse-tsung
37. Proclaim that mao tse-tsung is the living god
38. Proclaim that you are the living god
39. Stamp your foot in the earth like Rumpelstiltskin and refuse to eat until our boys return from Vietnam
40. Get elected pope
41. Get elected the supreme soviet
42. Get lost
43. Shoot A for one month
44. Grow seven toes on your head
45. Commit an unnatural act with Walter Jenkins
46. Make the world go away
47. Wear pants made of jello
48. Say you are a wounded veteran of the lutte des classes
49. Solder your eyelids shut
50. Ride naked through the streets on a white horse
51. Declare war on germany
52. Tell the draft board that you will send your mother to fight in Vietnam in your place
53. Study selective service reports on malingering and military medicine, and/or military psychiatry texts or journal articles on the same subject, and use the clever methods they describe
54. Organise your own army and advance on Washington
55. Tell the psychiatrist that if he doesn't let you into the army you'll kill him
56. Turn yellow
57. Infiltrate your local board
58. Don't agree to anything
59. Contract addison's disease
60. Contract Parkinson's disease
61. Contract Bright's disease
62. Contract Hodgkin's disease
63. Contract Cushing's disease
64. Contract Frohlich's syndrome
65. Announce that you have become the bridegroom of the Virgin mary
66. Announce that you have become the bridegroom of Jesus Christ
67. Get your friends to crucify you
68. Counterfeit money to omit the motto 'In god we trust'
69. Become a publisher of smut and filth
70. Become a publisher of the little Mao tse-tsung library
71. Prove that Brezhnev is a Trotskyite wrecker
72. Burn down the building located at 39 whitehall street
73. ...450 Golden gate ave
74. ...536 South clarke street
75. ...55 Tremont street
76. ...916 G street NW
77. Burn down the pentagon
78. Burn baby burn
79. Write a best selling novel which portrays the CIA as incompetent
80. Catch st.anthony's fire
81. Say you'd be happy to serve because it'll be easier to kill the ****en Americans who are interfering with the freedom of Vietnam
82. Recite the pledge of allegiance 2400 times a day
83. Cut off your ears, in ancient times no animal was sacrificed unless it was a perfect specimen
84. Cut off your left ear and send it to the draft board
85. Grow a tail
86. Learn to talk with your anus
87. Become a graduate student in a subject vital to the national security, such as epistemology of phenomenological methodology. Achieve your degree only after fifteen years of 2-s.
88. grow old fast, or
89. When you reach the age of 17 don't get any older
90. Drink an elixir that will cause you to shrink to a height of 2 feet 3 inches
91. Buy a slave and send them in your place
92. Take your girlfriend when you get called up and insist that you won't go unless you can sleep with her at night
93. Take your boyfriend when you get called up and insist that you won't go unless you can sleep with him at night
94. Take your mother when you get called up and insist that you won't go unless you can sleep with her at night
95. Take your chihuahua when you get called up and insist that you won't go unless you can sleep with it at night
96. Wet your bed
97. When the doctor tells you spread your cheeks, let him see the firecracker you have planted there beforehand
98. Handcuff yourself to Lennin's tomb
99. handcuff yourself to Nicholas katzenbach and shout: "We shall not be moved!"
100. Travel to Havana
101. Grow a long straggly black beard with maggots crawling all over it
102. Travel to Hanoi
103. Travel to Pyongyang
104. Travel to Peking
105. Travel to Washington and tell them you intend to travel to one or more of the above
106. Publish a satirical pamphlet purporting to advise young men how to beat the draft
107. Tell the psychiatrist that you are a closet queen
108. Tell the security officer that you are a brother of Allen ginsberg
109. Tell the security officer that you area brother of Ralph Ginzburg
110. Hand out copies of this book at the induction center. When they tell you you cannot do this, ask if it's alright to sell them
111. Make sure that by one method or another you get to see the psychiatrist. Do not let them rush you through without your chance. if necessary you should faint, scream or start crying
112. Give the psychiatrist your standard three minute lecture in favour of bisexuality, being sure to mention again and again that animals do it
113. Tell him that you will leap into your grave laughing
114. Run for the house of representatives on the platform that Red China should be invited to send its surplus population to colonize New York and Arizona
115. Commence psychotherapy with Dr.Robert Soblen
116. Ask Gus Hall to go down to the induction center the day you are called
117. Write a letter to the New York daily news stating that the Viet Cong are nothing more than peace-loving agrarian reformers.
118. Use an American flag for a breechclout
119. Contract tertiary syphilis
120. Steal a laser and fight it out with the CIA
121. Develop bleeding stigmata
122. Cop out
123. Conspire with a known homosexual in the Soviet embassy
124. Conspire with a known heterosexual in the US embassy in Ankara
125. Become chairman of the committee to legalize Marijuana
126. Develop an otherworldly metaphysical system and live by it's precepts
127. Cut off your head
128. Cut off your sear gent's head (Not a pacifists act)
129. Walk into the induction center carrying an octopus.

I thought it was funny.....hopefully you guys will as well:mrgreen:
Not a whole lot funny about a draft that might send you into the hell that is Iraq.

Lighten up man, it's just a joke. Besides this refers to the Vietnam era. :peace:

I thought I might bring some humor to the place where the arguments are most heated.:mrgreen:
Actually yes, as soon as the rich people have their kids over getting killed they would be telling those in congress and the senate that they better end the war if they have any hope in hell of being elected again.