How would one go about getting a mail order bride?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I've got probably fifty desperate third world girls on my desktop now---my girl rides me one more time she's out the damn door---I've got some viable options here :)

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Gentlemen, if you really want a girl who will appreciate you, ask around here!

Think about it: they know what you grow. They could even probably help you in that department! Plus, they'll be impressed by the effort and knowledge it takes to become a master greenthumb. And they'd smoke you out if you ever ran low. What more could you ask for?


The internet is a vast treasure chest. There's plenty of places, just Google mail order brides, see what happens.

I agree with the whole American girls. I even told my parents that when I get married, she will NOT be American. Personally, I have plans of leaving and moving to Norway. The women are smoking hot over there. My buddy's wife has family over there, and I'm trying to convince them we need to just pick up and go...


i told you; fund it and we'll go:-P


Well-Known Member
Ok, i'm game. Any decent employed female want to date a 37 yo employed pothead? Must grow or be cool with it, contribute to the funds, wash and clean, I cant clean the house for shit. Also must be a one man lady with a keen interest in felatio. Leave me a pm and I will wade through the stacks and pick one. thanks


Active Member
I know a rich guy who bought a russian mail order bride after his wife left him...

She's probably an 8 out of 10, hardly speaks english, and does most if not all of the housework. What mor could a guy ask for?


Well-Known Member
Think how fuckedup it would be if you actually managed to buy a bride and then ended up actually being friends.


Active Member
She's probably an 8 out of 10, hardly speaks english, and does most if not all of the housework. What mor could a guy ask for?
Someone with a mind of their own who can talk to me and debate with me. Don't treat women as objects: It's disgraceful and repugnant.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well...I grow,and am a one man lady with a keen interest in fellatio.I have, like, a fellatio fetish.I clean, but I hate it a LOT.But, I have a pussy and a keen interest in fellatio, so I don't have to settle!YOU pm ME, so Ican tell you I'm already taken!;)
Ok, i'm game. Any decent employed female want to date a 37 yo employed pothead? Must grow or be cool with it, contribute to the funds, wash and clean, I cant clean the house for shit. Also must be a one man lady with a keen interest in felatio. Leave me a pm and I will wade through the stacks and pick one. thanks


Well-Known Member
Man thats weird this dude from around these parts has hella outside ops I mean huge and he does that bride order shit he has this phillippine wife he had one from thialand before that i think. they stay like 2 yrs then they leave.


Well-Known Member
Im definately going to get me an asian Mail order bride, and then if i can convince her to stay and she's a good cook we're going to open up a restaurant and as the owner im just gonna sit in my office and smoke bong load after bong load. Ah what a life.


Well-Known Member
Well...I grow,and am a one man lady with a keen interest in fellatio.I have, like, a fellatio fetish.I clean, but I hate it a LOT.But, I have a pussy and a keen interest in fellatio, so I don't have to settle!YOU pm ME, so Ican tell you I'm already taken!:wink:

I know! I will find a good lady someday. Thanks for reminding me there out there lol. Take care.


Well-Known Member
Payment is patients, love, a roof and some bud. the occasional vacation some hunting some 4 wheeler riding and some rockhounding. But as far as cash.. I just keep myself and two upper teen girls with our noses out of the water in a decent house in a decent suburb in times when doing that is just lucky i suppose.