construction of a tree fort


Well-Known Member
thats one of those mini

i can only hope for that on my outdoor adventure !!!

FU@#ING AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I bet he has a drop down green screen in his backyard. He just uses them movie maker programs.


Well-Known Member
You gonna build a tree fort with more than 2 stories? I remember when I was younger we had one with 3. AIM HIGH FDD!


Well-Known Member
That's not that same plant is it? What kind of yield do you expect off of something that big?


Well-Known Member
you see his first aid kit hanging in the top right...

thats because that "BITCH" is a monster !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

watch out, be


Well-Known Member
they say a house is only as good as it's foundation. i will never again grow big plants from clones. clones don't get a deep tap root. they tend to get more bushy roots. this causes the plant to be loose in it's foundation. i went out this morning at took a closer look. she was about ready to tip over. to weight of all the branches was causing her to lean at about 60 degrees. i took a long piece of steel rod and hammered it at an angle into the ground like a tent stake. then i took a chunk of rope and hitched her upright and tied her off.



they say a house is only as good as it's foundation. i will never again grow big plants from clones. clones don't get a deep tap root. they tend to get more bushy roots. this causes the plant to be loose in it's foundation. i went out this morning at took a closer look. she was about ready to tip over. to weight of all the branches was causing her to lean at about 60 degrees. i took a long piece of steel rod and hammered it at an angle into the ground like a tent stake. then i took a chunk of rope and hitched her upright and tied her off.

that could be real good to know
is this something you've notice with all clones you've grown out nice and big?
or do you just notice it only on clones (maybe not all but most or something)


Well-Known Member
i notice it in a lot of the clones that get 3' and over. the roots fan out in all directions. they have no solid hold in the ground. maybe if i shape my hole different. i've seen this a lot in pots also. last year i had to stake main stalks because they were falling over. with seeds they send a main root straight to the bottom of the pot then grow outwards from that. clones start out already growing outward.


i notice it in a lot of the clones that get 3' and over. the roots fan out in all directions. they have no solid hold in the ground. maybe if i shape my hole different. i've seen this a lot in pots also. last year i had to stake main stalks because they were falling over. with seeds they send a main root straight to the bottom of the pot then grow outwards from that. clones start out already growing outward.

... i know it might be more work, but do you think that might be remedied by transplanting to a few differnet sized pots, letting them fill the pots each time (you know what i mean, filling out a bunch of pots that are just a little bigger instead of going from like 1/2 gal to 1 gal to 3 gal +)?