Vi, that is a charity organization organized by Gary Sinese. We have them all over the world, Iraq is no exception. Then there is the story of the little boy begging for candy while holding a live grenade that went off and wounded three US soldiers and killed the kid. So there are a lot more horrer stories in war than some charitable little organization that helped a few kids. what about all those Kids that have no parents or arms or legs or homes that were blown up, come on, there is not much positive in Iraq at present. The most positive thing that could happen is for the US to leave.[/quote]
I disagree, Med. Most of the civilian casualties have been caused by Muslim against Muslim. Whatever the casualties have been thus far, its nothing compared to what will happen in Iraq if we leave. History, Med ... history.
Once a solid rule of law, a functioning Iraqi governemnt and free markets are established in Iraq, that will be the time to leave.