Little Yellow Bugs in my buds... HELP!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone... i need some serious help here... i have some little tiny yellow bugs in my buds... they are the size of a pin head and all over them. Any ideas? I cant take pics because they are too small to focus on. Is there an insecticide i can use (sold at Home Depot?) and continue my grow or should i cut her down so they don't spread? I def dont want to cut her down.. hbut i need some help here.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
aphids? maybe mites. Mites will leave white speckled dots on the topside of the leaves and hide out UNDER the leaf...they then make webs around the leaf/stem/bud. I suggest getting a spray bottle and misting a fine mist of plain water on your plants. If the mites are there the webs will show via the mist collecting on them.

You can try blasting them off (whatever it is) with straight water and a forceful spray... THC will stay...but beware of mold and don't spray afternoon/nighttime.

pics would help further.....

bt dt


Well-Known Member
I looked them up and they are aphids. Thanks Beenthere I didnt know the word to look up to find out what they were. I got some incecticide soap and sprayed them and they are history it looks like. Is there anything i should be aware of when i use this? It is Schultz "Garden Safe" Organic Insecticidal Soap, Insect Killer. I just took the flowering branches and sprayed the product on the underside of the plant leaves. Is that the correct way to use this soap?


Well-Known Member
A mild solution of pine sol and water works very well against most pests and its much safer than the majority of insecticides. You just have to spray it on more often.


Well-Known Member
I hope you used a spray that is safe for fruits / vegetables.I use safer brand organic spray, someone told me to try fox farm's " don't bug me ".


Well-Known Member
A mild solution of pine sol and water works very well against most pests and its much safer than the majority of insecticides. You just have to spray it on more often.
PineSol.. i have heard of using that and plants... you must have to use a VERY VERY little.. that shit is powerful stuff. Where can i find more info on that idea? Thanks for your help!:joint:


Well-Known Member

Signs of an infestation:
Stunted, curled leaves. Aphids use piercing mouthparts to suck sap from the Phloem. Ants often accompany aphids (Ants help transport aphids around), and will also need to be controlled. Aphids secrete a sugar-like ?honeydew?, which make the undersides of the leaves sticky.

How to get rid of aphids:
Use sticky traps (i.e. No Pest Strip) for prevention and detection. Beneficial insects like ladybugs can be used to naturally control an infestation. A soapy spray (i.e. Safer?s Soap or detergent in warm water) can also be used to suffocate them.


Well-Known Member
I used to work at a greenhouse and we would mix about 1/2floz - 1floz to a gallon. It works well but you have to reapply every couple days. I believe that it will kill the insects but not eggs, so you have to spray every few days to kill the adults before they lay eggs, eventually they will all be dead. It could be the other way around not sure, which came first the aphid or the egg:). But anyway spray every couple days for a week or two. If by chance the solution causes any kind of leaf burn, just spray the leaves with plain water and then dilute your pine-sol solution even more. The greenhouse i worked at also did interior landscaping and we used pine sol because it was super safe around people and we didnt have to pull permits and suit up in gear to spray, plus the businesses didnt have to shut down because of toxic chemicals(we were spraying huge palms). The active ingredient is, hold your breath.......Pine Oil! It is biodegradable and in the solutions recommended you could drink it (not that you want to). When we were spraying it would get in our eyes and mouth and all over us and it never caused any irritation to my eyes or skin and i have sensitive skin. I wouldnt advise spraying on buds during flowering but you could still spray the leaves very carefully or wet a cloth with the solution and wipe them down. I know that its safe to consume but i\'m not sure how it would affect your smoke. But if you stay on top of spraying prior to flowering than you should have eradicated the pest problem when that time comes. Good luck


Active Member
u can also use mouthwash,the really strong shit the kind ur mom use to tell u to gargle with , and water , the bugs dont like it , burns them but doesnt bother ur plants, 1oz. to 1 gallon of water is what we always use in our gardens, early morning spraying about every 3 days


Well-Known Member
I used to work at a greenhouse and we would mix about 1/2floz - 1floz to a gallon. It works well but you have to reapply every couple days. I believe that it will kill the insects but not eggs, so you have to spray every few days to kill the adults before they lay eggs, eventually they will all be dead. It could be the other way around not sure, which came first the aphid or the egg:). But anyway spray every couple days for a week or two. If by chance the solution causes any kind of leaf burn, just spray the leaves with plain water and then dilute your pine-sol solution even more. The greenhouse i worked at also did interior landscaping and we used pine sol because it was super safe around people and we didnt have to pull permits and suit up in gear to spray, plus the businesses didnt have to shut down because of toxic chemicals(we were spraying huge palms). The active ingredient is, hold your breath.......Pine Oil! It is biodegradable and in the solutions recommended you could drink it (not that you want to). When we were spraying it would get in our eyes and mouth and all over us and it never caused any irritation to my eyes or skin and i have sensitive skin. I wouldnt advise spraying on buds during flowering but you could still spray the leaves very carefully or wet a cloth with the solution and wipe them down. I know that its safe to consume but i\'m not sure how it would affect your smoke. But if you stay on top of spraying prior to flowering than you should have eradicated the pest problem when that time comes. Good luck
Thanks Joe! Per your earlier response.. i went and got some insect soap, and it seems to work well. I have done two sprays and I nolonger see the lil bastards running around anymore.. just dead Aphid carcasses. Ill keep you up to date but i think my aphid problems are over (I HOPE)


Well-Known Member
I just wash them off with water and kill any ones i can see with my finger tips squashing those little bastards!! :) I've never been infested!! knock on wood.


Active Member
Does nemoil help to eliminate these little bugs? It odd as its winter time and they just appeared all over everything.