Do you have guard dog's?



2 be honest i prefer my sw 45 handgun.

Ive never used it, but i bet it can go a litle deeper than teeth.


Well-Known Member
guard dogs are a nono. its all about the birds(parrots) , they get so territorial if you make them think whatever you want them to guard is theirs.


Well-Known Member
wow. I didn't look at this post for the rest of the day and I can't even follow it now. lol so many topics.

anyways. I still stand by the fact that gaurd dogs hate pedophiles. as long as we are clear on that you may carry on.


wow. I didn't look at this post for the rest of the day and I can't even follow it now. lol so many topics.

anyways. I still stand by the fact that gaurd dogs hate pedophiles. as long as we are clear on that you may carry on.

Ha yes this topic has gone everwhere.

I remember where u had typed about the pedophiles earlier, and i will second that.:clap:

Dogs have that ability to pick those fuckers out of a crowed.