white mold in my res..HELP


Well-Known Member
Hydrogen Peroxide or hygrozyme may help.

Yeah, I use hygrozyme partially for helping with the roots and to help keep this kind of issue away. It's a bit spendy considering people get by without it, but i should help in your problems.


Active Member
well thanx guys....& yea shit sry i totally 4got bout da pix be4 i dumped it...but it was white with hints of red or purple maybe & it was almost like wet cotton balls er somethin yanno...real slimey like...pretty nasty shit...& it just came out of nowhere i checked on my dying plants a couple days ago & the water was fine then bam im over run with this shit.


Active Member
& my dumb ass baught some seeds & wasted 2 of em on my 1st attempt at growin hydro...i shoulda known better...lol...im just gonna try growin sum bagweed this time til i figure this shit out...lol...another retard rookie fuckin shit up...lol


Active Member
& how much & what kind of Hydrogen Peroxide should i use for say 7 gallons of water. i have a little bit in the medicine cabinet but i would think i want food grade if i get 35% food grade how much should i use?