Active Member
so right now i'm using a 26 watt CFL for one plant. I've also got a 18 inch shop lightthat i'm not using. my plant is about 2 weeks into grow. should i stay with the CFL or switch to the shop light??
couldnt have said it betterthree more of those cfls and your set... plust use the shoplight too (shoplight on top, cfls encircling it)
Then I suggest you read the FAQ again then, because you're not giving your plants 10,000 lumens either. You can't add together single point light source outputs for depth penetration calculations. By having 9 x 20w CFL's all you're doing is expanding the AREA you can cover - not the depth penetration which will always be based on 1800 lumens.bro your going to need a whole lot more light, about 10,000 lumens per plant... my 20 watts cfls give of 1800 lumens and ive got 9 of them for 2 plants... but yea read up on growfaq theres heaps of info about how much light you need
Here are some pictures of a plant that was grown using CFLs (43 watt - 150 watt equivelant).
The book will be available in late october and you can learn everything you need to know to have a successful CFL grow.
oh my....
how many cfls???
how much did you pull off that plant?
...makes my plants look *pathetic*
good one gk, your an unblelievable grower!!!
NICE!!!hi garden knowm thats good just a bit moor than i got. i got about 9.2os dry of 4 plants with 1x 40w ft 1x30w clf 2x25w clf and 4x20w clf haf wer 2700k