Well-Known Member
but as long as they were born it apparently doesn't matter what happens to them later.
Some people don't care about their health and well being during their actual lives, they just want to make sure they are born.
I would prefer that these people became educated, and responsible and had proper planning instead of hacking up humans as a means of birth control.
Hell, spend 100's of millions of dollars (in the worst economy since the great depression) on education and non-abortion birth control!!! That would at least be better than wasting 100's of millions of dollars destroying human lives.
If people have wholesale access to abortions, and NEVER get any education about proper family planning, or sex education, then abortion won't fix the problem.
These people need more than just a way out. They need to find a way to curb the problem of un-wanted babies.
Partial birth abortions will ALWAYS be disgusting.