Acidental OD on sleeping pills


Well-Known Member
I have some sleeping/anxiety pills that also contain an anti-histamine that I was taking before I started smoking cannabis (which by the way works better than my anti-depression meds). The bottle says to take between 2-4 pills before bedtime so I took 3 cause I'm a big guy. Well the next morning I was stoned out of my fucking mind! It wasn't until the next day that I felt normal again. Best day of school ever.


Well-Known Member
its not an OD......

just some side effects. I was perscribed 60mg of XR Adderall a day, which was more than enough to get me high as fuck for the day. Only part that sucked was coming down. Felt like total shit.


Well-Known Member
its not an OD......

just some side effects. I was perscribed 60mg of XR Adderall a day, which was more than enough to get me high as fuck for the day. Only part that sucked was coming down. Felt like total shit.
Well if I only take 2 I fall asleep and feel fine the next morning. That was the first time I took it.

Northern Arizona University ftw!


Well-Known Member
My friend said she sat in her kitchen all night watching the microwave melt and occasionally turn into a monster... I ain't fucking with that shit!


Well-Known Member
I dont think iv had hallucinations from Ambien. I say think because my memorie gets shot when i take the stuff.I have a script for the stuff and i guess i must have a high tolerance.It really does the job if you have legit sleeping issues. I would describe the feeling it gives you is along the lines of being stoned and a bit drunk, but its a clean feeling unlike being stoned and drunk. And your not hung over the next day :)


Well-Known Member
I have some sleeping/anxiety pills that also contain an anti-histamine that I was taking before I started smoking cannabis (which by the way works better than my anti-depression meds). The bottle says to take between 2-4 pills before bedtime so I took 3 cause I'm a big guy. Well the next morning I was stoned out of my fucking mind! It wasn't until the next day that I felt normal again. Best day of school ever.
So these are the sleeping pills with benedryl or diphenhydramine? Just double checkin'...

Anyway, check the dosage on the back of the pack. Those are more than likely 25-50mg of the active sedative.

Dosage is a funny thing with those. Tolerance gets build real fast and some people have a much greater sensitivity towards the active sedative. I've had friends take 2-3 on an empty stomach and say they were fucked up, meaning "Hey, these may have some recreational quality."

You were fucked up the next morning, huh? Like still sorted sedated? Gotta learn timing with these things. I personally didn't need anything more to pass out in 8am organic chem. Just wait until you do a higher dose, and you're falling asleep with your eyes open and talking to people that aren't there.

I'm a skinny guy like ~130lbs, and I remember when 250mg got me real messed up, but a month later it took twice that for less effect. It sucks. It was pretty fucked up to snap out of it for a second (for like 5 seconds you'll go delirious), and realize I was talking to a pair of jeans.


Well-Known Member
took like 5 tylenol PM once when i was on my anxiety shit... never happeend before but the effects were delayed like.. 12 hours.
woke up went to my 8:30 class and seriously felt like i was going to pass out any sec... like my eye lids were 100lbs...
is the anxiety stuff your taking an maoi?
just guessing


Well-Known Member
I've literally blacked out for 6+ hours off of 10 mg of ambien, but I stayed awake and got some good stories from my buddies. I can remember two moments from those 6 hours and one of those was me freaking out about seeing spots of lights..

Probally the 2nd most fucked up I've been, first was when I did 100 mg of morphine, an 80 of oxycontin, and 2 xanax bars.. Pretty much asking to die there, although I was extremely misinformed and fortunate I made it through the night.. Don't even know what happened.
