1 Problem And 1 Question


Active Member
Hey rollitup Posting it up again. Before i get into further details i want to tell to you guys about my plants info. I am Growing in a pot and im doing it outside and inside. I bring it out in the morning and when the sun goes down i bring it inside and put it under 3 Cfls and let it finish its light cycle. I water the plant every 2 or 3 days depending on how dry the soil is. I test the soil's dryness by put my finger in a inch deep and if the soil on top looks dry and finger goes down an inch then i water it. The growing medium im using is Miracle Gro Premium Pot Mix N0.14 P0.14 K0.14 Mixed with the soil.
Its been 2 months and still in vegetative stage.

Now to the problem ive been getting look a like burn marks but i think its spider mites or flys shitting on my plant haha. I see black spots appear and its really visible but i can remove it with my finger sometimes. I see some little shiny spots and white spot on the plant could be pictures are down below.
Now my question is can you tell if the plants a male or female im not very sure and i thought id just ask you guys. Time is counting down Thanks :joint:


Dr High

Well-Known Member
Spider mites my friend. your leaves have little white specs. id use neem oil or safers brand to get em off, as for their sex they look quite female.:hump: but i cant be that sure yet.


Active Member
If you're still in veg you can't determine sex. You'll need to flower it and then check. (or flower a clone so that you keep that plant in veg)
I just had an issue with mites and found a good solution.. Water. The black spots you see may be the adult mites and their poop while the clear or white ones are typically the baby mites.. If you spray the plant completely with water for five to six days you will drown the adults and kill the babies before they mature and have more babies.. Only problem is keeping them wet because they need to be saturated for five days at least.. I also had luck with a few non harmful big killers.. Many concentrates are safe while in veg and will kill those little fuckers pretty quick!


Well-Known Member
I just had an issue with mites and found a good solution.. Water. The black spots you see may be the adult mites and their poop while the clear or white ones are typically the baby mites.. If you spray the plant completely with water for five to six days you will drown the adults and kill the babies before they mature and have more babies.. Only problem is keeping them wet because they need to be saturated for five days at least.. I also had luck with a few non harmful big killers.. Many concentrates are safe while in veg and will kill those little fuckers pretty quick!
Don't let the mockery of you that is sure to follow bother you.


Well-Known Member
If you're still in veg you can't determine sex. You'll need to flower it and then check. (or flower a clone so that you keep that plant in veg)
All plants mature in a month or two and produce preflowers/pistils or sacs at the nodes. You dont nessesrily need to flower them or a clone to find out... he has been vegging for two month so he could already have them... just an fyi...