rapid rooters vs rockwool


Well-Known Member
I'd go small cup of perlite over jiffy plugs for cloning...I've used it to clone just about everything and it does the job well. You might have an old tray like the plants from home depots little greenhouse section come in (the six pack of flowers is primetime), those drain right proper and are easier to transplant frm than a cup


Well-Known Member
Should I use sprayers aimed at the bottom of 4" pots? or would I be better off with drip lines?

Your asking aero or hydro?? I gotta say aero there brotherman, it takes a cycle timer and a decent pump. I've only smoked aeroponics once (but it didn't come from a grower so my first guess is its BS) but it was great weed. If you go that route you gotta start a thread! (you should do that though anyways)


Well-Known Member
perlite? i've read about using it but never tried it nor have heard of anyone else doing this... got any pics??
Naw and I honestly haven't tried it with MJ, but I entertained myself with a couple of community college greenhouse/nursery classes year before last. You'd probly want a dome but just about anything that clones will root in perlite. I think most of the time I used straight peat for propogation was with air-layering, which is basically taking a giant clone while it's still on the mom (def never tried this with weed, wouldn't be very time efficient)


Well-Known Member
there are NO fertilizers in peat moss no nutriants at all that is why peat moss makes a good starter... it holds water, it does not burn young seedlings
i was prity sure there is rooting hormone in it, and thats like compairing soil to sand, peat moss takes in all the vital nutrients for plant growth, they are plants after all, so when they biodegrade naturaly, they release these nutrients they are made of, this is how soil looses fertility, there has to be some nutrients in it, or it would be like i said, sand. it is a great NATURAL fertilizer, true there is no chemical nutrients added to it, so yes it will never burn any plant.


Well-Known Member
but yea im going to have to say peat pellets are the best for starting seeds, while rapid rooters are the fastest and easiest for rooting clones.


Well-Known Member
i was prity sure there is rooting hormone in it, and thats like compairing soil to sand, peat moss takes in all the vital nutrients for plant growth, they are plants after all, so when they biodegrade naturaly, they release these nutrients they are made of, this is how soil looses fertility, there has to be some nutrients in it, or it would be like i said, sand. it is a great NATURAL fertilizer, true there is no chemical nutrients added to it, so yes it will never burn any plant.

Sphagnum peat is an ideal growing medium because it has:
  1. a homogenous composition
  2. high structural stability
  3. high water and air capacity
  4. low pH (3.5-4.5) which is easily adjustable
  5. low salt content
  6. low nutrient status which is easily adjustable
  7. no pathogens, insect pests
  8. free from weed seeds.
Peat moss makes your compost more effective because peat and compost do two different things. Peat moss restructures the soil, whereas compost provides nutrients. By blending the two you can reduce compost’s tendency to compact the soil, and thus allow more water, air and nutrients to reach plant roots. In addition, the peat moss and compost combination helps retain moisture in garden beds, allowing gardeners to water less frequently. Peat also extends the life of compost in soil by four to five times.

this was pulled from a horticulteral teaching plan hope you learned somthing


New Member
The Home Depot and Menards here in Minneapolis already have a full isle of starter stuff. The Jiffy pucks are $2 here also. 36 and 72 puck trays with lid for under $7. And Menards has a 72 puck tray with a short dome with a heating pad for $21. And a higher dome 6-8" I think is $4.

Wish me luck. I am starting my seeds tonight. I have to get a hps light this week, and have already drawn up the plans for a pvc fence post hydro setup. Should I use sprayers aimed at the bottom of 4" pots? or would I be better off with drip lines?
post a link to those jiffy pucks etc from depot plz.. I cant find it on here site.

The Scooby Master

Active Member
post a link to those jiffy pucks etc from depot plz.. I cant find it on here site.
They had a bunch stuff right by the front door(Getting ready for the spring or something). Trays, peat pellets, a few different sizes of peat cups, trays, peat trays, etc. I looked and couldnt find it on their website, but the local stores have them.

Menards has a bunch of stuff also. I just got back, and picked up a a couple trays and domes, and a pack of 50 peat pellets(FiberGrow brand not Jiffy). They dont have net pots though, so I will be running to HD tomorrow to see if they have them.


Well-Known Member
i have never used theyre site, i was just saying cuz i saw them for the first time when i went there today. i go there like every other day... i do so much diy shit it the best place to go. and i dont have a home depot or anything else like that in my town. its cool tho, so far ive made the carbon filter (i need a bigger fan), bubble bloner, dwc buckets, ect. all from shit i got at walmart. i only use the internet for bigger things like my light and drip system. safe houses rule!


Well-Known Member
Sphagnum peat is an ideal growing medium because it has:
  1. a homogenous composition
  2. high structural stability
  3. high water and air capacity
  4. low pH (3.5-4.5) which is easily adjustable
  5. low salt content
  6. low nutrient status which is easily adjustable
  7. no pathogens, insect pests
  8. free from weed seeds.
Peat moss makes your compost more effective because peat and compost do two different things. Peat moss restructures the soil, whereas compost provides nutrients. By blending the two you can reduce compost’s tendency to compact the soil, and thus allow more water, air and nutrients to reach plant roots. In addition, the peat moss and compost combination helps retain moisture in garden beds, allowing gardeners to water less frequently. Peat also extends the life of compost in soil by four to five times.

this was pulled from a horticulteral teaching plan hope you learned somthing

thank you very much i did learn alot! but it does say low, so there might be some? just maybe a rooting booster? and also, wont it mulch itself? if put under soil? just wondering.


Well-Known Member
thank you very much i did learn alot! but it does say low, so there might be some? just maybe a rooting booster? and also, wont it mulch itself? if put under soil? just wondering.
it will breake down but it is mostly decoposed already and i belive its somthing like 0.6 percent nitrogen that you get from it.... its more used as a soil conditioner than to add nutriants.. it has no form of rooting hormones in it thats why you dip your cuttings in hormone. it is an ideal seed starter ans soil conditioner.

most times at the end of a grow its still there didnt break down for it to break down compleatly it must be in a good healthy full of life and not chemicals soil and even then i rarely see em breake down in less than 6 months unless its in a hot compost pile.... i use them all the time on my farm, last year i had started 700 seedlings in peat pellets and have a box of 5000 out in my workshop... they work great for seed starting and cuttings


Active Member
hmm i always have to keep an eye on my rapid rooters where as i know the rockwool needs water every 3 days or so, ill try what you mentioned fdd and leave a little water on the bottom ill just have to put the heating mat on a timer (oh i got 3 rooters so far!!) lol praying for more, the thing i hate about that tray is it seems to rip the roots out when ya pull seedlings with that one long taproot up to look at it


Well-Known Member
my hydro shop was out of rapid rooters last time i went in. i bought rockwool instead. my cuttings aren't looking to good. :(