i have wanted to get bags for a while now.. i just am lazy and dont like ordering that kinda shit off the net.. i didnt know glass roots had em funk, ill have to pick some up for sure!!
and thanks for the correction icepik
and white, as far as root mass is concerned.. i feel like it is not as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be. I have seen huge plants grown in small pots with no problem.. if the plant has enough oxygen and nutrients, then the roots will not be a problem.
it is the same school of thought with hydro, although in soil it is harder to get oxygen to the roots. if you look at my hydro setup, the root masses are all smaller than a fist, yet some of these plants are going to put off close to 2 oz.. they get fed every couple of hours with an exacting amount of nutrients and oxygen, so they dont need a large root mass. large roots are meant in nature so that the plant can seek out water and nutrients from long distances from the plant. when you are giving it everything it is not as important...
that being said, as you can see i suck balls at growing in dirt LOL i have had a nitrogen def. since probably the 4th or 5th week, so i know my yields have suffered. i personally find hydro much easier to maintain.. there is no guess work. you put in watter, add the proper amount of nutrients.. check the ppms, adjust the ph, and top off with water daily until next change.. nothing to difficult.. in fact this is only the second time i have grown in dirt.. the other time was the very first grow i did, and once i went hydro, i never turned back... i only did it on this grow due to circumstances beyond my control haha!
hope my rambling made some kind of sense