Real Christians don't hate anyone. There are alot of people out there who call themselves Christians, but they are bigoted, or support the death penalty, etc. Those things are unChristian. Jesus didn't care about race, never condemned homosexuality, but did condemn all violence. If anyone wants to know what Christianity is truly about, all they have to do is read the gospels (the first 4 books of the New Testament). I am a Christian, and I know that God exists. But someone shared this with me, and I know it's true. The way you live your life speaks to people a helluvalot more than witnessing to them about God. Strangers who come up to folks to share the 'good news' have no credibility. So nowadays, I just try to let my life speak for itself to the people around me. It's odd, but it works. I have had quite a few folks come to me over the years and ask me how it is that I manage to stay calm in terrible situations, content during truly shitty periods, etc. (And no, I haven't even ever gotten high, until a couple of weeks ago.) One of the smaller proofs of the Lord's existence in my eyes is cannabis hemp. Look at all that can potentially be done with it. And look at all the medical conditions (cancer, dementia, psychological disorders, MS, etc.) that can be helped by using it. This plant is a miracle, there is no other word for it. And I don't think that miracles come from nothingness. Also, not all Christians believe in the creation story in Genesis. There is no reason that evolution couldn't have been a process set into motion by the Lord himself. -FIN-