How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

kind $20 gram ..100-120 7gs... 400 for oz
commerical 355-425 LB
local crop 7-15% 125 oz

we are located in texas 200 miles north of the checkpoint
It Used To B 120 An Oz But These Days Liverpools Dryer That The Sahara U Can Just About Get A 20 Quider If U Know Every1! And The Home Growns The Safest Option Coz If Sum1 Says Its Dutch Then Its Sprayed!
U Cant B Nockin That Bud Out 4 Them Prices. Were Ever U R U Need To Get Up Here An Ud Kill It! If I Cud Grow I Wudnt Even Sell It, The Decent Joint I Had Was Stormin Up The Damrak To The Trainy 8 Moon Ago!
U Cant B Nockin That Bud Out 4 Them Prices. Were Ever U R U Need To Get Up Here An Ud Kill It! If I Cud Grow I Wudnt Even Sell It, The Decent Joint I Had Was Stormin Up The Damrak To The Trainy 8 Moon Ago!

If Liverpool's dry, then so is the whole of England. You've gotta start growing kidder, and don't tell a fucking soul.
belive me ,soon as i get me own ken im gettin set up before i even start thinkin bout couches kettles ect
also, excelent bud uv got there,im on damp shite but goin the dam 4 crimbo smoke!
In Newzealand prices vary from season and off season but

$200 for average but good 28+ gram ounce
$250 for good outdoor skunky
$300-350 for indo
For a pound of outdoor bush itd be around 2500-3000.
for a good skunky outdoor/info pound itd be anything from 4000-4500 but could be lower depends.
Good oil, from differnt regions of newzealand but around mine ( Waikato / bop ) 20 a cap to 45 a cap

Our foils depend on what strain and where from, Sometimes i could get a nice 3 gram of skunky indo for 20 hola but another day score a 3 gram of shit bush lol our foils are the littlest ammount to buy and is rolled up in tinfoil and our 50 bags also depends who you get it off. it could be 2 and a half foils or could end up big
i live in tampa florida and we have rags which is the lowest u can get if any body ever smokes that mexican piss weed about 100 and oz

midz which is some shits thats lime green but not dro about 120 an oz

but dro also known as white widow orange crush blueberry northern lights or cryptonite is 300-400 an oz depending on how high you get
I Get a pound for like about 100 bucks cause I live close by the border and I just cross it over I buy it in mexico its cheaper over there....
Man it sounds like you guys all got it good, here in Idaho, if i were to buy just an ounce all by its self, i would have to pay around $270 for it, and it aint even nothin special, just some random home grown stuff somebodys sellin, it aint bad, but nothin great by any means.
It's $150 an oz here if you have to buy it but that's only because I've known the guy for 25+ years. Otherwise it'd be $250 from what I'm told.
(Halifax, Nova Scotia)
i knew that was coming. i really don't know what to do with it. i have a 1 1/2lb of outdoor put away in jars. there is so much here that EVERYBODY has a closet full. i could make some really good hash. but it hurts to chop it up. i could just hold onto it, it is good, but until when? i have more hanging right now. it's indoor it will go but why so much weed? some of you people need to stop. MARKET FLOODED!!!!!!!!!!!