Florida Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
please tell us what states are those...cause I might pack me and my family up and get da fuck ouut here!!!!!!!!!!!!:finger::leaf:

Man I'd never grow in Florida. The laws are draconian. You might as well grow feilds of poppies and sell heroin. I moved from Florida just so I could grow. No use spending a few years in prison for a few plants when a few states over you wouldn't even do jail time.


Well-Known Member
guess u r right bout that bro.....as i have a 24 plant set-up..(damm right under the damm guidlines....:o)

Well ya panzy, get the fuck outta here!! haha, that was a little harsh, but you def gotta have some big balls. I have no priors and have a great lawyer, i also just do small personal crops indoors, so i'm not worried bout it at all! I think of it like this, i'm in an area that's a hotbed of growhouses, i mean like hundreds of plants per house, so I doubt the feds are worried bout a 10 plant garden!!


Well-Known Member
Florida laws have always sucked. all the smugging and shit down in miami. Fuckin meth labs... They always go overvoard. if Florida was smart.
they would legalize it but keep it in an area like AmDam. Talk about makin the housing market jump. With the boomers staring to retire,
you'd suck all down here...


Well-Known Member
im not sure how much i have left in my grow but a lot of the hairs are turning amber already and its getting very nice and icey! i'd say im 9 weeks with my white widow, maybe it needs another 3 weeks? ive been hearing lots of good things about the ww so lets see...grow ur life away!


Active Member
I hear the same about white widow. I am growing white rhino and a couple of unknown bagseeds from different supplier. I am 5 weeks into flowering.


Well-Known Member
i picked off a bud last night but it wasnt completely dry...not flushed or anything it tasted a lot better than the weed i get around here lol. the trichs are still a little cloudy and has just a few oranger hairs


Active Member
I can't wait until my first crop is ready. I have tried a few street samples, some were good, but too many left a harsh taste in my mouth and fill of seeds. I plan to have a party with a couple of people who don't know I grow, but I want to get their reaction.


Active Member
Now that is a party I would like to attend. Spend one good evening relaxing with good company and damn good smoke.


Active Member
Well, the white rhino will not be ready for another 4 weeks. Now if you guys can't wait, I will bring what I have to the party. :-)


Well-Known Member
dam im getting mental pictures of this cloudy party :weed: I was thinking about it and my WW has prob 2 more weeks maybe 3 and it's not 9 weeks prob more like 7 cuz i remember i put it to flower a week after my lowryders started to flower and it didnt start flowering til about a week after it was put under 12/12, checked the trichs today and theyre still pretty clear and now beginning to get way more frosty :-D So whos bringing the bongs to the party? hehe


Well-Known Member
I have a bong i just got its a dreat personal bong but it has a ice catcher and ash catcher and is all glass on glass for only a hundered bucks. Got to love flea markets