Old timer from Ohio... Hello!


Active Member
Hello to you all, I live in Northeast Ohio and have been smoking since before many of you were most likely born! I have three weeks left on my four plant grow... just some bag seed that I found a year ago that gave me a great female to clone. Cannot wait, beginning to smell so well! Anyone have the scoop on some bud to hold me and some friends for a few weeks? I will post my grow pictures, I need some help, I think my water is not ph balanced right because they are yellowing a good deal...


Well-Known Member
Hello to you all, I live in Northeast Ohio and have been smoking since before many of you were most likely born! I have three weeks left on my four plant grow... just some bag seed that I found a year ago that gave me a great female to clone. Cannot wait, beginning to smell so well! Anyone have the scoop on some bud to hold me and some friends for a few weeks? I will post my grow pictures, I need some help, I think my water is not ph balanced right because they are yellowing a good deal...
Hey im from ohio too. Maybe it could be overwatering. Or overfeed. Where do u get your seeds


Active Member
very nice, it is indeed a small world! does anyone know how to go about uploading pictures? computers and people over 18 don't mix well.