or clones!!! i want big mommas around my town... im gonna use time release granule fert from home depot...well, that's kind of the point...to use some extra seeds u dont really need and toss some around where you live or a nice wooded area. the points to get it growing wild more freely and easily and to spread some love around.
i dont want to end up being an exampleI was having a similar thought the other day. But in addition to what was said by the original poster, it would be cool to type up some letters and send them to congress, mayors, senators, politicians, judges etc, both state and federal, saying that x amount marijuana plants has been planted in their name. In addition to that letter, have literature on all of the positive affects of marijuana and how it can help our government and our people etc...
It was cotton, 3% useable Hemp 97% usable,As long as Cannabis plants can produce bio-diesel and other very useful things that it can make, marijuana will be illegal. Its not about whats right and wrong it never was, its about money. Thats why farms in the US can not produce industrial hemp. Industrial hemp you cant get high off of so why is it so bad? Its bad because if we were allowed to produce marijuana/hemp we would not need them as much as they want us too, and they would lose an incredible amount of money, we dont want that to happen now do we?I'm down though, just buy a bag of commercial, they're usually riddled with seeds
I think the trick is to plant them where few people go ..deep in the woods ..the edges of highways..below where they get mowed... Then by the time they flourish and procreate there will be enough of them, like tribbles, that they will thrive..haha i can get a couple thousand seeds together quick. i think it might be better if you germinate them first?
I was having a similar thought the other day. But in addition to what was said by the original poster, it would be cool to type up some letters and send them to congress, mayors, senators, politicians, judges etc, both state and federal, saying that x amount marijuana plants has been planted in their name. In addition to that letter, have literature on all of the positive affects of marijuana and how it can help our government and our people etc...
haven't you learned a single thing from the people that send letters claiming they did _____________. (most recently a guy that was targeting gay bars in my area and was going to use a very toxic substance in peoples drinks that has no antidote and is extremely deadly. i forget what its called.)
anyways, my point is the IDEA of the OP is to remain anonymous and let people start finding the plants.
if you mail the state/government claiming you did it then you're asking for trouble. If you touch the envelope.... if you lick it (i know they have self stick.) and even when you mail it. In the very least it can be tracked back to the exact post office that the letter came from. This would be a bad idea unless you like trouble.
What Im saying is if you're not lazy and you're passionate about getting marijuana legalized for medical or recreational use then continually writing letters and getting a large number of your community to write letters or start a petition is going to do just about as much as throwing seeds in dirt (which you will be tempted to go look at later.)
In any case, you're much more likely to get a few state level liberals to back you this way than the alternative.
but again. I wouldnt write any letters claiming you did anything in honor of anyone.
I'm all for it, but whats gonna happen to those people who do grow op's outside. There plants will be pollinated from these wild plants growing everywhere. I grow inside so I don't really care. If I grew outside I would be kinda pissed if my plants got pollinated by this project.
It's called project overgrow. Or at least one version of your idea.
Stoners have been trying to collaborate just this idea since the 60's. So far it hasn't worked, know why? I'll give you a few pointers:
1. Stoners are lazy. You'll probably get 100 people to say they will do it, and 4 will actually do anything.
2. If you get 100 people to tell 20 of their friends to throw 20 seeds, that would make 40,000 seeds. If half of those sprouted that would make 20,000 plants. Animals love to eat the plants, so that would turn it into (at best guess) 5,000 plants. In all likelihood it would be less than that. But if you had 5,000 plants it would take them about 3 months to get to a big enough of a size and maturity to start flowering. By then the cops will find it, and with one quick chop the plant is gone. All your planning gone to waste.
3. How many people do you think you can get to join your movement? Now, how many plants do you think one LEO can chop in a day? Now, how many LEO individuals are in the nation? or the world? My guess, you can't stop LEO. They have you beat in numbers. And in time. Some departments have special task forces designed just to take down mj plants. That means 40 hrs a week looking for dope. How many people are dedicated to plant, and watch, and care for their mj plants for 40 hrs a week?
4. Stoners generally speaking are very greedy as well. If they tossed 20 seeds out, if 5 of them turned female, the desire and urge to go harvest that female plant, instead of letting it repopulate the earth, is stronger than to let it survive.
5. Larger groups for the past 50 years have tried to do this. They failed. What makes your plan so different from theirs? What makes you think you will succeed where they didn't?
I could keep going, but you get the point.
I'm not trying to be cynical or mean, just up front and honest.
I wish it was possible, but it just isn't logical. You have a much better chance of each person planting 20 seeds in their closet, making it so much harder for LEO to prosecute and bust personal growers. If you swamp the legal system you can get the laws changed, but that means that a lot of people will have to put their futures at stake first, which most are not willing to do.
Just a few thoughts.