lol guess what just happened


Well-Known Member
my dad searched my room trying to find out if i was smoking pot or not lol and he couldnt find anything lol, and if he would have look in between my two shower curtains he would have found it:) man parents irrate the fuck out of me cant wait till i move out when i graduate for highschool


Well-Known Member
if u live in canada why dont u go on student welfare and move out. they cover a fair share at least 500 a month


New Member
my dad searched my room trying to find out if i was smoking pot or not lol and he couldnt find anything lol, and if he would have look in between my two shower curtains he would have found it:) man parents irrate the fuck out of me cant wait till i move out when i graduate for highschool
youl get caught in the end hes been on the planet longer than you, so hes wizer, you can never fool your old man (fact) am the old man in my house.

Willie North

Well-Known Member
I bet this kid is young
you must remeber when your living in your parents house
its there rules, you gotta look at the bigger picture, there teaching you life skills here buddy


New Member
I care about kids under 18 being on this site.. The same could be said that im not sure that you SHOUDNT care THAT much.. See how it works? lol


Well-Known Member
hah, good one. I was merely posting because it seemed like you called bullshit based off of stereotypes. him being in high school and living with his parents, he MUST be under 18.

though there is a high chance of that, there's still not enough evidence to call bullshit.