who would win in a fight between...


Well-Known Member
Bin laden would get his dialisis machine ass fucked up! (PS HE'S dead too they just dont want to tell anyone)

Samuel Jackson or Wayne Brady (think the chappelle show lol "IS wayne brady going to have to choke a bitch?")


Well-Known Member
Damn thats a hard one....ima have to say the mit. cause that shit is too good. But the hand from idel hands would mirk both of them.

budwiser frogs or the 3 eyed fish from...I think american dad but i could be wrong.


New Member
The frogs would kick ass....

I checked with my husband and he said Chuck would swing Segal around by his ponytail until he cried like a little girl.

Hugh Hefner or Larry Flint?


Well-Known Member
larry flint looks like the type of guy that would blast your head away with a shotgun.... hugh looks like a pussy :) heheeeeee.... he wouldnt stand a chance... :)

maybe if he had hes girls dancing around the other dude, he would be distracted and then hugh could sneak behind him with a knife, and slice his throat open ....


Well-Known Member
larry king would try talking the living out of perot, but perot would already have hired a gang of ninja assassins to kill him and also blocked his ears...
Mighty Mouse vs Dangermouse (and penfold of course)


Well-Known Member
tony the tiger would show up half way thru and eat them all for breakfast
since you started it nick, morgan freeman or samuel l jackson?