Thinking About Getting A Vaporizer.


Well-Known Member
Hey sup guys I'm thinking about getting a vaporizer i currently have a waterbong. I'm wondering how useful a vaporizer really is. the guy at the store said the smell dissipates faster and its actually way healther cuz it gets rid of tar and all these chems cuz its not burning the buds just heating it up. but i would like to hear some opinions from RIU. thx :weed:


Well-Known Member
dude def worth investment. i just ordered a hotbox for 150, and it came with free 2 day shipping! it is waaaaaaay the fuck healthier for you than smoking. thats FOR SURE! also, it conserves ur weed man! whats better than that?? u go thru less weed!


Well-Known Member
it takes the point out of smoking, i want to smoke marijuana, not vap it...

i guess it would be cool on occasions, but id rather bowl it in a bowl and light it up, not wait 5 mins for the machine to start up, then suc on same bag...


New Member
it takes the point out of smoking, i want to smoke marijuana, not vap it...i guess it would be cool on occasions, but id rather bowl it in a bowl and light it up, not wait 5 mins for the machine to start up, then suc on same bag...
a joint allows you to extract 50% of the THC in your weed.

A bong 75%.... a good digital vaporizer over 90%

I have been vaping for 5 years started with the Vrip bowl, a bong and a heat gun from

When you vape weed your blowing hot air at 335-400*F through the weed melting the trichs creating a vapor...your also eliminating 80% of the carsonages, bezins, ect that is present in MJ smoke due to combustion


Well-Known Member
thats what the cannabible author jason king uses too. how u like it and how much it run ya?


New Member
thats what the cannabible author jason king uses too. how u like it and how much it run ya?
heres a link to the VCB bowl $49.99 you will also need a digital heat gun with a ceramic heating element Makita $79

I used it for 2 years its works great.....thing I like best is I could use any bong as a vape vrip is making heating wands alot easier to use

then I bought the that thing just rips me:weed:


Well-Known Member
Wow thanks alot guys!!! RIU IS GREAT!!! now only if i can get some comments on my journal :P


Active Member
I vaped a few times I have personal hand held vaping bowl that you use a lighter. I have tried the Vapir didin't like it too much but I did buy a digital box vaporzir from ebay a cheap one. I have heard that the volcano slams the shit out of you. I like it good up beat high. You loose the taste and smell from vaping though.


New Member
If I had it to do all over I would still buy the volcano for $500 for my first vape machine.... I would like to try the extreme vape....its allows you to take whip hits or bag hits...the best of both worlds

Check out this link to the Extreme vape..they cost $250


Well-Known Member
some of those ebay vapes aren't that great, really. if you want a serious vaporizer go for one in the 150-200 range. don't go for an ebay one and expect serious quality, you'll get a decent working vape (I myself have a vape from ebay, they sent the wrong color and it's really clunky like home built and shit, but it works. )


Active Member
I agree if your gonna buy a vape man buy a good one. I bought mine cheap because I will only use it when I need to cut back on the smoke. I didin't need anything great for that. It's worth the money to get a good one.


Well-Known Member
ordered the i-inhale last night. hope that shit is as good as the reviews say. cant wait for it to come in. my lungs need s break.

is smoking outa a vape harsher than smoking a joint/blunt or watever?


Active Member
smoke out of a vape for two weeks your lungs will feel great. it takes a little getting use to becasue you don't have your lungs filling up with smoke. have fun.


Well-Known Member
Which one did you get?
that portable i-inhale. figured since i was on a college campus... it help me out not getting busted. got tired having to drive around and risk getting a dui and such. if im going to smoke... might as well be halfway responsible