Here we go steelers here we go.


Well-Known Member
with the game on the line dude... u gota review it. u got to. its the fuckin super bowl for gods sake...


New Member
it was in plain sight obviously a fumble sure if anybody thought differently it would have been reviewed.....thats just my 2 cents....


Well-Known Member
yah... im not saying it wasnt a fumble. im just saying it was a play that would could hav changed the game. worth a replay to me... but its over now... fuck it lol


Well-Known Member
It was a fuckin good game the cardinals came back but sneaky rothlesburger took it and buried it. I lost a pound of weed and 350 dollars. No biggie I have much more in little zippied baggies.


Active Member
fuck i wanted fitzgerald to get a ring after breaking the td record. Yall cant hate on fitzgerald he be killin em!! yo smokingherbondacurb didnt u say u was gonna post pic of ur girls titis if steelers won.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
some poor third world country is going to think the cardinals won when all those obsolete arizona super bowl champions t shirts and hats show up :)


Well-Known Member
Because all big ben did was run around like a faggot.

I'll give it up to santonio holmes though he played a helluva game
sounds like someones mad that ben with no help from his o line or running game took that team on his back in crunch time and delivered a perfect pass like a true warrior and champion. not seen since the likes of elway.