Michael Phelps Bong Pics


New Member
"I'm sorry" and "I'm sorry i got caught" are not the same thing. Ask anyone in Washington.

He shouldn't have to be sorry, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't hurt anyone, he smoked a bong, for Pete's sake, the sheeple of this country can be easily lead down the road to slaughter by the silliest things.


Well-Known Member
i wish i was in the background giving a double thumbs up or something lol... can you imagine how many people in the WORLD would get a chuckle outa that... a lot


Well-Known Member
If he does anti-pot commercials he is going to get more shit. It's probably better for him to lay low. A large percentage of the population is aware that pot is not a dangerous drug. Even some of the most conservative know this. I work with a pro Bush conservative and even she knows that pot is harmless.

Nice new av Miss! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Its like roor got an advertisement deal with phelps and they didnt even have to pay millions of dollars


New Member
If he does anti-pot commercials he is going to get more shit. It's probably better for him to lay low. A large percentage of the population is aware that pot is not a dangerous drug. Even some of the most conservative know this. I work with a pro Bush conservative and even she knows that pot is harmless.

Nice new av Miss! :lol:
I agree, for his image, but for his advertising deals, it may be a condition of employment, who knows? I'd say his laying low for a couple a years would let it go away, but then so would the focus on his gigantic accomplishments. I think he just got screwed out of a few million bucks by that photographer, he ought to sue.


Well-Known Member
Its like roor got an advertisement deal with phelps and they didnt even have to pay millions of dollars
LOL on this pic who is the DEVIL in it , is the BUDLIGHT sitting on the table lol and the nice blue fucking cup,..lol BUDWEISER DID IT AND THOSE NEW OWNERS!!!


Well-Known Member
I tried to post the comment below at a local tv station's web site ...

The Phelps story is a crock! Corporate media ... is trying ... unsuccessfully ... to put marijuana in a bad light. Can't have it legalized ... would seriously cut into the bottom line. Phelps did NOTHING wrong. Stop making it sound like he committed some kind of atrocity!

I got a message stating the filters pick up on it as having "questionable" language ... so they have to check it out before posting ... what a bunch of bullshit!:finger:

Corporate media doing all they can to keep pot in a bad light ... can't take the chance it could get legalized ... corporate amerika has made marijuana "illegal" ... but it's not a crime to use and enjoy ... they seem to have a habit of making things illegal that are not criminal ... and making things legal ... that are criminal ... like torture ... starting an illegal war ... wire tapping americans ... the list goes on ... :fire:
I guess Phelps wrote the letter, because he had to bow down to his corporate masters ... I guess he don't have enough money yet to tell them to fuck themselves ... :o



Well-Known Member
He won't stop smoking! He will just stop smoking around a bunch of muufuckaz he thought were his friends.

Back home, Mike Phelps got more publicity in 2008 than the fuckin' RAVEN's (who made it to the playoffs and lost to the Steelers 3 times this season ;-)) got and they gave him his own day. This is the kinda representative we need to make an ALL-AMERICAN statement about pot in this country but he won't say "I am the best at what I do and I am a bongsmiliesmoking man-fish". This is just another one in the books for our side! Too bad he won't be a voice for "our side"! :evil:


Well-Known Member
I don't see any smoke in that bong.....
prolly cause the fucker who took it had one opportunity to take the shot and snap'd it as soon as he put the shit up to his mouth. If I was him, I'd deny it or come and and say "yeah.... so what!" Instead he's sitting in he grey area of "I'm sorry, my bad, I'm ashamed, I regret it"


Active Member
fuck illogical prohibition
well said. and this is going to turn into a breaking point in prohibition. when the us was in turmoil due to the depression, good ole FDR got us out of it with help by ending prohibition. Now it is obamas turn to get us out of the recession by lifting this obsurd marijuana prohibition.


Well-Known Member
This fucker ends prohibition and I'm like a kid in a candy store. lol But could someone give me more of a visual? Will more shops open to the public and the use of the card will be useless? My states supports med but we have no card. I'm still a little confused about that shit.