

Active Member
K so I was with this kid I rly don't know and I traded him some booms for a few bowls. So anyways, I took 2 big rips and at first I was feeling really, really high, like my whole body was pulsing and warm and I had crazy cotton mouth, but then everything started looking animated, like I was in a cartoon, and I wasn't really sure what was going on. I had no sense of reality, I would look at the ground, and it looked like I was in a van go painting. It's kind of hard to exlain. So I was pretty freaked out and decided to leave. I had longboarded there so I had to go back, but everything was in a white haze, and i could hardly see. When I was boarding I would look at a car, and it would start looking like a rat, or a rabbit, then i would ride over a rock or a pebble or something, and it would make the most high pitched noise i'd ever heard, and it would start in one side of my head and go to the other, and at the same time, I had nonstop thoughts going through my head, and a random flow of meaningless words and frases that for some reason seemed familiar to me. So now I was starting to get really freaked out. But, some how I manged to get home, and I looked in the mirror, and my eyes were pure red, and I was walking like a robot. When I would walk through my room, I could hardly see cuz it was so blurry, and my vision was flashing and everything was moving in slow motion, and it looked like my vision was skipping and looked like an old movie. When I would walk through a narrow hall, I would hear weird noises. For instance, it would sound like a horse would run by me, or a ghost would swoop by. My parents were home so I decided to go walk outside downtown. This is when I started tripping hard. I started seeing a person that looked like my brother, walking beside me, dribbling a basketball, and i started getting the thoughts that I was my brother for a little while. This whole time I had this terrible thought that this high would never end, and I was going to have to live with it. I had COMPLETELY forgot what reality was like...and nothing looked familiar to me. Not even my own house. It felt like a complete dream. Finally I came home and took a shower, and when i looked at my feet, they looked like they had faces and shit. So eventually I went into my bed and after about 2 hours I fell asleep. I woke up about 4 hours later pretty much sobered up. Even now I can't really imagine the feeling I had cuz it's way over my head. Thanks if you read this whole thing, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this might have been laced with. Not even making this shit up. I've never heard of anything like this. It was some fucked up shit.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
If you have an extremely low tolerance (haven't smoked in a while) and had some very very high quality marijuana it would be possible to trip.. I have tripped, like seriously tripped sack (comparable to a light LSD trip). Honestly, it's getting more and more rare that someone would lace weed.. as it costs a lot of money (and is generally only done on terrible weed).. but it is plausible. Did it have any weird after taste or anything chemically?

Tha Dank

Active Member
yea im not sure either because what you said u experienced isnt consistent with chemicals that people usually lace weed with. idk at first i assumed it wud be PCP but now i dont think so. and that is tru wat shepj said, most bud that is laced is terrible bud. I would find that kid and confront him about it. I hate people that ruin weed by lacing it cuz they think ppl will think its dank!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Right on.. pcp was also my first guess. It's losing popularity for mainstream I think and moving over just to people who enjoy smoking dust on weed.. so I would not expect to see pcp on weed much often these days, unless you happen to be from Connecticut (as I have heard numerous reports of friends getting weed there that is laced).

It may be possible that dealers are starting to lace weed with research chemicals.. but still, I would doubt that it is commonly practiced.


Well-Known Member
Not pcp. You would of smelled and tasted something very differnt then normal. Dont even trip like that either. You describe full on halluc., i have no idea what happened i was thinkin salvia at first but would not last that long at all why dont you go talk to your friend.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Not pcp. You would of smelled and tasted something very differnt then normal. Dont even trip like that either. You describe full on halluc., i have no idea what happened i was thinkin salvia at first but would not last that long at all why dont you go talk to your friend.
That's what I figured.. but you never know. What do you think it could've been? We've ruled out LSD and PCP. Probably a 2C-X or DOX?


Well-Known Member
That's what I figured.. but you never know. What do you think it could've been? We've ruled out LSD and PCP. Probably a 2C-X or DOX?
If he told us the duration it could help narrow the list. But the guy sounds full of shit.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I think it sounds like salvia.Depending on your tolerance and how strong the extract was, it could last a while.
K so I was with this kid I rly don't know and I traded him some booms for a few bowls. So anyways, I took 2 big rips and at first I was feeling really, really high, like my whole body was pulsing and warm and I had crazy cotton mouth, but then everything started looking animated, like I was in a cartoon, and I wasn't really sure what was going on. I had no sense of reality, I would look at the ground, and it looked like I was in a van go painting. It's kind of hard to exlain. So I was pretty freaked out and decided to leave. I had longboarded there so I had to go back, but everything was in a white haze, and i could hardly see. When I was boarding I would look at a car, and it would start looking like a rat, or a rabbit, then i would ride over a rock or a pebble or something, and it would make the most high pitched noise i'd ever heard, and it would start in one side of my head and go to the other, and at the same time, I had nonstop thoughts going through my head, and a random flow of meaningless words and frases that for some reason seemed familiar to me. So now I was starting to get really freaked out. But, some how I manged to get home, and I looked in the mirror, and my eyes were pure red, and I was walking like a robot. When I would walk through my room, I could hardly see cuz it was so blurry, and my vision was flashing and everything was moving in slow motion, and it looked like my vision was skipping and looked like an old movie. When I would walk through a narrow hall, I would hear weird noises. For instance, it would sound like a horse would run by me, or a ghost would swoop by. My parents were home so I decided to go walk outside downtown. This is when I started tripping hard. I started seeing a person that looked like my brother, walking beside me, dribbling a basketball, and i started getting the thoughts that I was my brother for a little while. This whole time I had this terrible thought that this high would never end, and I was going to have to live with it. I had COMPLETELY forgot what reality was like...and nothing looked familiar to me. Not even my own house. It felt like a complete dream. Finally I came home and took a shower, and when i looked at my feet, they looked like they had faces and shit. So eventually I went into my bed and after about 2 hours I fell asleep. I woke up about 4 hours later pretty much sobered up. Even now I can't really imagine the feeling I had cuz it's way over my head. Thanks if you read this whole thing, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this might have been laced with. Not even making this shit up. I've never heard of anything like this. It was some fucked up shit.


New Member
It sounds like PCP/Embalming Fluid.

I wouldnt rule that out quite yet. Ive had weed laced with PCP myself, and the experience sounds pretty similar to mine. Only difference is I ate most of mine and u smoked all of it.

Its not a sure thing, but that would be my first guess. Other than that it could have been from a very low tolerance, or some weird interaction if u took anything else close to smoking it. It could have been laced with something else. Or maybe even DMT or Salvia like mentioned.


Well-Known Member
If you have an extremely low tolerance (haven't smoked in a while) and had some very very high quality marijuana it would be possible to trip.. I have tripped, like seriously tripped sack (comparable to a light LSD trip). Honestly, it's getting more and more rare that someone would lace weed.. as it costs a lot of money (and is generally only done on terrible weed).. but it is plausible. Did it have any weird after taste or anything chemically?
i didn't read everything in this thread but this seemed about right. Especially a non experienced smoker (not talking shit, but tolerance wise lets say) may "trip" on weed. I have even had edibles that have made me more messed up than I remember mushrooms being. Maybe not making me see as much visually, but mind and body were in another place.

I don't really see too many people smoking too much "laced" weed. I mean anyone that has smoked weed prior would know that it looked strange, and many drugs cannot really be combined with weed and smoked, say lsd, not going to get you high by exposing it to heat, mdma wouln't be very effectively smoked, mushies have a lesser effect, anything I can think of except maybe coke or black but either way, come on, you would tell.

Don't get me wrong, bud is the stongest thing out there really, stonger and better than opiates for pain, just needs to be used right. Think about how many poppies actually go into a hydrocodone pill, then how many grams could we fit into a browine, get what I am saying.


Well-Known Member
I think PCP or salvia, too. I don't think it's salvia because of the length of these effects.

I usually have a problem with drugs bein' actually laced with anything "real" like salvia, dmt, or even pcp. Who is goin' to put expensive salvia and dmt in someone's cheap weed? Not people that care about money. The pcp/embalming fluid shit I can almost see if it's cheap enough.

If the weed looked sparkly, or anything but average then maybe you smoked some weed that was treated with Raid and a microwave.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I think PCP or salvia, too. I don't think it's salvia because of the length of these effects.

I usually have a problem with drugs bein' actually laced with anything "real" like salvia, dmt, or even pcp. Who is goin' to put expensive salvia and dmt in someone's cheap weed? Not people that care about money. The pcp/embalming fluid shit I can almost see if it's cheap enough.

If the weed looked sparkly, or anything but average then maybe you smoked some weed that was treated with Raid and a microwave.
PCP should be noticed though.. I mean, if you don't taste chemicals in your weed? What the fuck do you taste? It is most likely a 2c-x.


Well-Known Member
PCP should be noticed though.. I mean, if you don't taste chemicals in your weed? What the fuck do you taste? It is most likely a 2c-x.
Yeah, I suppose you're right. Although I have no idea what pcp tastes now-a-days. Haven't had the urge to get some woo sticks. ;-)

Why put expensive 2c-whatever into/on weed? Just give it to me straight:!:


Well-Known Member
We can all hypothesis about this story forever. So I think we should wait till this one post wonder answers his post, otherwise we are chasing our tails.

You can probably rule out most phenethylamines and tryptamines.


Well-Known Member
Sounds exactly like the one and only time I got laced weed, and it was PCP. I realized the hit i took off the bong tasted like chemicals AFTER I was done wandering around north Philly for 3 hours at 4 in the morning.

PCP is a fucked up drug. When I was tripping out I could see into my mind, and there were just thousands of little green men each one controlling on big switch. FuCked UP.


New Member
If Erowid ever posts my trip report for when my weed was laced with PCP, then Ill link it on here and u can compare it to what u experienced. PCP/Embalming Fluid would be my first guess. I could write it again but I was very descriptive and it took a long time to write what I sent to erowid.

Ur trip doesnt sound nearly as scary as mine though. Seriously that was the scariest night of my life because I really could have OD'ed with the huge amount I did. I know the guy who I got it from and some would be mad at him, but honestly after that night Im just glad Im alive. When I woke up the next morning I was so happy and surprised I was alive. That was so traumatic that I havent been 100% the same since I did it. So long story short, it was a bad experience, and if I ever do PCP again its gonna be the right amount.