sonic would jump mario from every angle at once and that wouldn't really even be a fight.
will vs grace haha
mario can punch and do that upward jump punch thing.... if sonic hit that hed make himeself piss, break marios arm and itd be a DRAW
wat do ya say to that....
as for the will and grace thing
DRAW too
theyd both hit like girls, and would give up as soon as they broke a nail or got sic of hair pulling
hey is it possible to put a poll on these forums?
yes but its too late for this thread you have to do it at the start
just write ya new thread scroll down and select leave a poll. click the submit new thread icon at the bottom
"the one next to the do you want to leave a poll thing" it will submit your thread and take you to a page where you can write and attatch your poll
if u want it to go forever put a 0 in like it says