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Idiot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hes dumb for not making iraq look like the moon
Idiot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hes dumb for not making iraq look like the moon
im not sure if i should continue to laugh at you or feel sorry for you..Idiot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
IDIOT>>>>>im not sure if i should continue to laugh at you or feel sorry for you..
hes dumb for not making iraq look like the moon
yup, thanksright on! Your right
i love it. whenever i post my retarded friend here clams up and his only defense is to splurt out insults...IDIOT>>>>>
i thought he said we were there for oil? when did i say napalm? oh, i didnt. lets see. we liberated much of europe in ww2 and also japan. how did we do that? oh thats right we dropped 2 nukes on japan and reduced germany to rubble. today both countries respect ours. they both owe their economical success to us.. its worked during korea also. the south loves us. while the north remains brainwashed. history speaks for itself, you only need to knock the dust off it.First of all , fuck spellcheck ok?, Second of all even our president said that we are there to liberate Iraqi people, to carpet bomb the country with napalm is hardly a liberation (think befoure you post), the comunist bastards part might of not been a dirrect quote but if you summ up all the things you say about the left thats what you get in the nutshell, and no I nether try to insult you or make you laugh, rather make you a better debator, it seems in vaine...
not quite. my great grandmother and her family came to this country at the start of ww2 as they were jews. so once again your assumptions make you look foolishSee the thread dirrectly bellow this,(What happens when democracy..)I bet if it was 1933 you would be a Hitler youth...
full of hatred against who? those who attack my country? yes. those who wish me and my country harm? yes. you say that im full of hate even though youre a self proclaimed satanist hell bent on fucking with christians.. your mind is disturbingly fucked and wouldn't be surprised if youre manic depressive.No, I stick to my opinions, you might have Jewish blood in your veins, but you think , no not think, SPEAK like a fascist, full of hatred and with comolete disregard for human life...Do your grandparents share the political vews you speak so foundly of?
Better a manic depressive than a media victim like your self, better a peacefull satanist (not really, I posted that just to fuck with ya) than a carpet bombing christian, And the irony is that 99% of the people dying in Iraq had nothing to do with 911, and were not jihadists in 2002, or even now..full of hatred against who? those who attack my country? yes. those who wish me and my country harm? yes. you say that im full of hate even though youre a self proclaimed satanist hell bent on fucking with christians.. your mind is disturbingly fucked and wouldn't be surprised if youre manic depressive.
99% of iraqis are being killed by insurgents not us. and again where do you get the christian part? lolz your a fucking clown. you have alot to learn before you can even begin to try and educate me on international politics and the way to win wars. but youre right we made alot of progress today. you went from appearing to be a fool to actually being proven one..Better a manic depressive than a media victim like your self, better a peacefull satanist (not really, I posted that just to fuck with ya) than a carpet bombing christian, And the irony is that 99% of the people dying in Iraq had nothing to do with 911, and were not jihadists in 2002, or even now..
you're on the right track but cut and run is the worse possible thing we can do.if the world perceives us as cowards and weak because we cant finish a war that should of been over a long time ago then it would further jeopardise our national security as well as our influence.I say let the Iraqi people decide that themselves, i mean we can't save everybody and baby sit them like that. Let them take care of their buisness we're fighting for no reason its not even our war. We could have our troops back, but if we leave we're screwed because then they might just come over here and bomb us. Now the next president is going to have to take care of this crap, my advise to him is beg for forgiveness and punk out of this shit. Who the fuck cares if they start putting shit in the news papers saying that "Americans are whimps" who cares at least we can chill, and deal with the crap that's going on over here. Sorry about that, I don't want to argue about it but this is a crazy mess.