how much water should i give seedlings?


Well-Known Member
i have a few seedlings in some little 4'' diameter pots. how much water should i be giving them? i've just been hitting them with a few squirts from the spay bottle in the morning. they still have those two little round leaves and are about an inch tall.

also, i dont have lights or anything to start them off inside. its already pretty warm here (arizona) so i've just been putting them outside during the day and taking them in at night. is that okay? they look pretty healthy, so my gut is telling me that im doing everything right, for the most part. i guess i just need some re-assurance. lol


Well-Known Member
Ws far as i know, they need 24 hour light as seedlings, i putmy seedlings under 3 energy saving light bulbs 24hours a day, they are on there 9th day of life today and the tallest one iss already 5 centimeters tall, and they have 2 rounded (false leaves) - these arr to get the photosynthesis going, and they have 2 pointed (true leaves) , as i said this is only day8 from seed, so get a few energy saving lightbulbs , an get them undrr 24/7 light


Well-Known Member
Oh and to add ive been growing mine in rockwool cubes, ive been giving them 1 standard shot glass a day just just tokeep the rock wool moist, dont spray them, pour around the base of the plant,


Well-Known Member
Ws far as i know, they need 24 hour light as seedlings, i putmy seedlings under 3 energy saving light bulbs 24hours a day, they are on there 9th day of life today and the tallest one iss already 5 centimeters tall, and they have 2 rounded (false leaves) - these arr to get the photosynthesis going, and they have 2 pointed (true leaves) , as i said this is only day8 from seed, so get a few energy saving lightbulbs , an get them undrr 24/7 light
well im pretty sure they like 24 hours of light as seedlings, but i dont think they NEED 24 hours of light a day. that would make growth in the wild impossible. but i will try and get some lights.


Well-Known Member
well im pretty sure they like 24 hours of light as seedlings, but i dont think they NEED 24 hours of light a day. that would make growth in the wild impossible. but i will try and get some lights.
oh, and im growing outdoors in soil. so i figured that exposure to the sun now would be good for getting them ready to go outside full time?

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
Although it may be warm out now in AZ, the length of daylight is still the same as anywhere in the US. Short days = flowering. If you don't leave it in the lights for at least 15 hrs or so then it won't veg and go straight into budding. Leave them outside then bring them in and just keep them under cheap CFL's for a couple more hours. Just a suggestion.


Well-Known Member
Although it may be warm out now in AZ, the length of daylight is still the same as anywhere in the US. Short days = flowering. If you don't leave it in the lights for at least 15 hrs or so then it won't veg and go straight into budding. Leave them outside then bring them in and just keep them under cheap CFL's for a couple more hours. Just a suggestion.
Thats kinda what i was try to explain, norm daylight hours wont cut it, u need 15 hours or more light every to keep them from flowering


Well-Known Member
Although it may be warm out now in AZ, the length of daylight is still the same as anywhere in the US. Short days = flowering. If you don't leave it in the lights for at least 15 hrs or so then it won't veg and go straight into budding. Leave them outside then bring them in and just keep them under cheap CFL's for a couple more hours. Just a suggestion.
oh yeah, this is true. i hadnt thought of that. would it work just as well if i just kept them in a room with the lights on? if not what watt cfl's should i get? and how close should they be to my plants?


Well-Known Member
Thats kinda what i was try to explain, norm daylight hours wont cut it, u need 15 hours or more light every to keep them from flowering
oh, alright. so does that mean that i need to keep them in pots until after the spring equinox?

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
As long as they aren't in complete dark when you bring them in you should be fine. But a couple cfl's will work better. You should be able to get it pretty close. Almost touching sometimes. As long as its not real hot and burns them you should be ok. As far as what kind of cfl's to get I can't remember which is better for vegging, the warm or the cool light. I use HID lights and grow inside.


Well-Known Member
Use the more blueish ones, not the redder ones and 2 to 3 inches, very close as. 1 cfl light dnt travel far easily and 2 they dnt get as hot. So 2 to3 inches away


Well-Known Member
Use the more blueish ones, not the redder ones and 2 to 3 inches, very close as. 1 cfl light dnt travel far easily and 2 they dnt get as hot. So 2 to3 inches away
alright, rad. they sell that shit at like wal-mart and stuff right?


Well-Known Member
Yeh, most home appliance stores , but walmart ur best bet, here in the uk we have AsdA - owned by walmart, i did the same thing. I built my own indoor hydroponics timered self watering system from a diy superstore and got all my veg/flowering lights there too,


Well-Known Member
well the only problem is money, so as long as they have them somewhere that i dont mind stealing from (like wal-mart)


Well-Known Member
Dude, dont steal them,

Stealings illegal

Wait............. So is growin weed


Ok dude

Dont get caught ;)


Well-Known Member
Dont steal dude, my house recently had been broken into. It fucking sucks
I know ure just getting some bulbs but still...


Well-Known Member
Dont steal dude, my house recently had been broken into. It fucking sucks
I know ure just getting some bulbs but still...
haha dude, i would never break into someones house and steal. just from piece of shit, multi-national, souless corporations. and i would never steal from any place thats locally owned. just cause i steal it doesnt mean i dont have morals, think of me like the robin hood of ganja