Michael Phelps inhales from bong


Well-Known Member
Nice i Believe The Whole Forum Does But I also do not see the need to apologize ..... but its sumwhat understood why he did


Active Member
I used to think he was a tool...now hes one of my hero's lol.
Fuckem micheal tell them to jack off and go get you a bowl


Well-Known Member
mikes the man. He should have told them the mj helps my muscles unwind after all those laps!!!!


Well-Known Member
I missed that part I just saw where he said he made a youthful mistake. We should make a strain called mike phelps but what would the mixture be?


Well-Known Member
.....but unlike in other sports (i.e. baseball and basketball) he is still able to compete.

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
he said "pot is bad and i made a mistake". did nobody else see that?

With millions to take him into retirement never having to work again I'd say the same fucking thing and smoke later or fuck up anyone near me with a cell phone camera