So what if weed was LEGAL, would it be that great?


New Member
*LMAO* But it soooo fits this thread.. Dont ya think? *LMAO*

I busted the gateway theory way back in the thread too muahaha


New Member
The gateway theory is a theory of convienience. Otherwise they'd point the finger at caffeine and dare I say sugar. If we're going call something a gateway, those should be at the top of the list.


Well-Known Member
The only gateway is the asshole that sells your 18 year old kid crack when he goes to get a bag of weed:leaf:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I think you're just judging everyone else by what your own experience has been.I've been smoking weed since I was fifteen.I quit cold turkey for both of my pregnancies and for breastfeeding, and experienced no withdrawals or side effects. I have also quit before just to prove I could.Because I am in control of my life, not the substances I do.I do ALL of the substances I choose to do in moderation, and always have.I can see that you actually absorbed all of the anti drug propaganda you have been fed(like the rest of us)all of your life.If you are doing a drug to escape from reality, you are doing it for the wrong reason.Sure, every once in a while, using it to wind down is one thing, but if your reality is so bad that you cannot face it unless you are high, then you need to put the pipe down and fix your reality.Period.Because drugs can take you to really wonderful places in your mind, can show you things about yourself you didn't know.They should be approached with the respect and the reverence they deserve.They also tend to enhance aspects of the personality that were already there...such as a dislike for work, laziness,apathy.That's not the pot doing that to you, that's you blaming the drug for not getting off of your butt because you want to stay high. I have a suggestion.Don't get high until all of your work is done.Take care of what you need to first, then smoke a joint and relax.It's what responsible adults do.:DWeed is illegal because the United States Government wanted pot smoking Mexican immigrant workers out of the U.S.Period.They continue to lie to us because it is profitable for them to keep it illegal.They get to seize property, impose fines,allocate money to law enforcement to keep this Drug War going and keep us in fear.If you feel so bad about smokiing weed, stop.Because I know what weed is, and what it isn't, and I say, it should be legal.It is a powerful medicine.It is a valuable commodity.It is a spiritual tool.It is NOT a death bringer, a life shatterer,a progress halter.That distinction belongs to the DEA,and our idiotic unconstitutional American Drug laws.
Great post man. I was waiting on someone to rebuddle.

Everything i said was based on my beliefs from my past experience and from seeing what it has done to those around me.

Weed isnt addictive? Maybe if you run out of weed you dont have any withdraw but weed is definetly addictive. Put a bag of Bubblegum or blueberry in front of anyone and see if they dont smoke all of it in no time. It releases chemicals that make us feel better/happy/eurphoria, its a drug.

In moderation weed is more toxic to your mind/body than alcohol. Drink 2 beers get a buzz, if you stop ther then you probably wont have any side effects. With weed (strong weed) one hit will get you high. Its just like any other drug, once that initial feeling is gone your going to chase it (or pass out). I mean honestly why lie to yourself about weed, its a drug.

EDIT: if you can control it to recreational use then it is ok in my book, right there next to the 2 beer theory. But honestly who uses it "once in a while".

Honestly i think alot of people started at such a young age that really weed has become a part of them. its a way of life really. I didnt smoke until i was 17 and it took me years to figure out why weed is illegal. #1 reason is it makes you lazy. You start smoking and next thing you know your not going to the gym as much...your not doign as much HW...Your not going to work all the time, or on time....All you want to do is get high and chill. Granted this is someone who is a pothead but thats the be lazy.

im not knocking weed because honestly i love it. But than again i know im addicted to it. Im addicted to it just like im addicted to motorcross, or the beach, or anything that takes me away from the everyday shit i have to deal with.

Its a wonderful escape but it does ruin lives (if not ruining them, it atleast slows down your foward progress of success). Its illegal for a reason people.
I tried alcohol first.Weed I tried later.As for harder drugs, I didn't try them because I needed a bigger high, or that weed wasn't enough.I tried them because I wanted to see where they would take me emotionally, mentally,and spiritually.There was a list of drugs I already wanted to try before I ever touched weed.There is a list of drugs that I don't care to try, or wouldn't do again.I have always done things for myself.I have never succumbed to peer pressure.It's bullshit, and the refuge of a weak mind.If I don't want to do something, I won't.Period.If you are a person who can't say the same, then you should put the pipe down and do some sould searching.There are millions of responsible adults out there who are smoking their weed and taking care of business.They're not blaming an inanimate object for their failures,nor allowing it to take credit for their successes.Please don't be one of the road blocks on the path to legalization for these people.:peace:
But see you dont really understand the gateway theory.

You try'd weed first...then went onto harder drugs. Hmm isnt that evidence right there?

I can place myself back to before i ever took a hit. I thought of potheads as losers without a future, because honestly they had no immediate future. All they/I cared about was getting high.

Has everyone forgot about peer pressure? Yes peer pressure is the #1 reason for first time users. Hell i was peer pressured into using. Its not like someone put a blunt to my lips and was like "smoke this or we arent going to be friends anymore" but honestly thats what it relates to. I started partying with everyone at 16. we would play beer pong..asshole..we would see who was a "two beer queer". we all became alcoholics. at 17 we started smoking weed. (So really alcohol was a gateway to Marijuana.)

Who here can say they smoked weed for themself? Who wasnt smoking with freinds? It became part of our social group.

Ive never really been into drugs. I dont like pills becuase honestly i feel like a different person while on narcotics. Ive try'd X once and it was amazing, and honestly that feeling is reason enough for me to never try it again. I know what the future holds if i use it again. It would be no different than MJ.

...Also MJ sets a bar for your future drug use. If your smoking everyday and then choose to use a harder drug, chances are your going to use it the same as you did MJ.

Honestly am I the only one who perceives weed as a threat to ones self? Is there not a single ounce of you that thinks weed can be harmful in the wrong hands?

If its so safe than maybe we should start getting our kids high. Hell why should they miss out on something so magical. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
The gateway theory is a theory of convienience. Otherwise they'd point the finger at caffeine and dare I say sugar. If we're going call something a gateway, those should be at the top of the list.
I would love to point a finger at caffine and sugar. In my early years (9-18) I was addicted to soda. I honestly drank a 12 pack every other day, or more.

Sugar and caffine are so profitable that they will never be "controlled". but than again no one wants to give up any type of freedom, even if it does you no good.

I have my views, everyone else has their own... Ill let it be. kiss-ass


New Member
I remember being a kid and all the cereals were "new and improved with more sugar" some even changed their names, "Super Golden Crisp" became "Super Sugar Crisp".

Now it's been a good 35 years and suddenly everyone is fat. Sugar is considered bad and they're taking it right back out. Now "Super Sugar Crisp" has changed it's name back to "Super Golden Crisp".


Well-Known Member
My opinion as a grower, I think it should be legal to grow for personal use.
Weed has been in my life for over 20 years. It's the best medicine. If it was legal, I'd still grow.
Mostly because, I'm good at it and I grow really good weed. I think of it as growing tomatoes in my backyard.
If it was legal, nothing would change really in my life, except for the fact that I wouldn't have to keep it a secret.


Well-Known Member
My opinion as a grower, I think it should be legal to grow for personal use.
Weed has been in my life for over 20 years. It's the best medicine. If it was legal, I'd still grow.
Mostly because, I'm good at it and I grow really good weed. I think of it as growing tomatoes in my backyard.
If it was legal, nothing would change really in my life, except for the fact that I wouldn't have to keep it a secret.
I feel the same way man the guy who started this thread has a couple screws loose i think haha. I, in no way, like the fact that i can be put in prison for years for growing my own personal crop that i smoke between my friends and I. I wish it was legal just to grow for personal use. It would make my life just so much easier