Noob lighting questions for a very small project

hey guys, thanks for taking the time to read this,

ok so i want to grow a single plant under hopefull a desk lamp, i will keep the lamp as close as possible while not going over 80 degrees like suggested (that is 80 degrees faranheit not centigrade right?)

will a 60watt energy efficient warm flourescent bulb be enough to create a decent yield, im not expecting miracles. :)

also guys can you talk to me about the growth cycle? i dont really understand the vegitation and what not, but i am eager to learn!

i will post a picture of my supposed grow bay soon.
thank you all alot :)


Well-Known Member
looks around on the site everything you just asked has a million different more explained answers than i just gave

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
hey guys, thanks for taking the time to read this,

ok so i want to grow a single plant under hopefull a desk lamp, i will keep the lamp as close as possible while not going over 80 degrees like suggested (that is 80 degrees faranheit not centigrade right?)

will a 60watt energy efficient warm flourescent bulb be enough to create a decent yield, im not expecting miracles. :)

also guys can you talk to me about the growth cycle? i dont really understand the vegitation and what not, but i am eager to learn!

i will post a picture of my supposed grow bay soon.
thank you all alot :)
Use 3 of the 23W that I use and you will be FAR better off! Just use 3 desk lamps instead!


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but he was trying to get away w/just 1-60W bulb, so I told him how to use 9 more W but he would still get PLENTY w/just 3! It's all about placement!!!:bigjoint:
Oh most definetly- i wasnt disagreeing with you. 3 will work. 6 will work way better. :lol:

I'd even rather use 6 lower wattages than 3 higher wattages. Like you said... its all about placement!
hey guys im now changing my set up to a lamp hanger witha 125watt bulb, do i NEED to buy a red and blue lamp or can i make do with one or the other?

is 125watt grow bulb sufficient for one plant?


Well-Known Member
That'll be enough to veg with... youre gonna want more light when you flower if you want more than an eighth of bud...


Well-Known Member
depends on how long u veg for. one guy told me he vegs for 4 weeks,18/6, and then spends 8 weeks flowering 12/12.
so an eigth every 12 weeks, if i was to grow 2 plants under the same 125watt bulb would that have a purely detrimental effect on both plants or could i get away with it
OR this is an idea that relies on the answer to this question,

can i use a 125w bulb and switch toa 250w bulb using the same bulb hanger? (can they handle larger watt bulbs)
if so i will get a 125 red/blue for veg and a 250 blue/red for flower (whcich way round do the colors go?)


Well-Known Member
OR this is an idea that relies on the answer to this question,

can i use a 125w bulb and switch toa 250w bulb using the same bulb hanger? (can they handle larger watt bulbs)
if so i will get a 125 red/blue for veg and a 250 blue/red for flower (whcich way round do the colors go?)

if youre gonna use 250 w of electricity antway, why nt just buy a 250w hps lamp?
perfect for both veg and flowering, and ud get much better yeilds.


Well-Known Member
You could get an HPS of the SAME EXACT SIZE (250w... uses same amount of electricity), and harvest pounds instead of grams. HPS lights are 10x more effective than flourescent "grow lights." It would make your entire investment much more worthwhile. Why go through all the efford of a 12 week process for only a few grams? Same effort on your part, for a couple ounces per plant extra.