BB & SSH Hydro Grow

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I got my pH meter in working order. I tested my tap water today and it was around 9.3 and i tested a glass of tap water that had been sitting out all night and it tested around 8.0.. Why could this be so different?
Also I tested my weed water and its pH is 6.3
I havent changed the water becuas i broke my container.. so i gotta go get a new one asap and switch things out
EDIT: the general hydroponics pH up and down seems to be really potient. I put a good splash of down in my tank and it droped it wayyyyy down to 3.0 so i had to put a splash of up in there to bring it up to 6.3
Not really sure but maybe chlorine in the water if you have it. After sitting it is gone?

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Im out of bud, I have no hook up for any (i just moved to this crappy town), and I need some now. When can i put these damn things into flowering stage. Better yet, would it be faster to clone them and put them into flowering stage so I can save them as mothers (if the clones come out as females)?
Whats the fastest and best way to get some bud in less then a month?
I don't think you can pull that off. Not in a month. You need that flower time. If you find a female and start cloning in the long run it could be faster than from seed. At the point your at probably the fastest way to get bud would be to take some cuttings to make clones and flower the mother. Once you have some weed then you start playing with them for the long term results you want.


Well-Known Member
so ...
1. Take some cuttings and clone them
2. Flower the current plants
3. Hope there is a mother in there

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Once they are big enough take the cuttings, but wait to make sure they root before putting the donors in flower. Just to be safe. But ya, that's about it. At least with 3 plants the odds are with you for a female. On my last seed starting put in 5 of the free seeds I got with my order. 3 popped and all were female. And all different plants. The 5 Ice I started, (the ones I ordered) 2 popped. One didn't make it past seedling and the other was a male. Still have 5 more to go. Check out this thread for cloning:


Well-Known Member
I got her done and it is looking good.:bigjoint:
5 gallon tank: 3 gallon of drinking water and 2 gallon of bathtub water
15 tablespoons of grow big 6-4-4 (dirt) on the week 3 of hydro feeding chart. A big gulp of pH down and just a little of pH up. That got me a pH of 6.0, but i expect that to fluctuate a little bit.
still waiting on the ppm meter ( i saved some drinking water, so that i can check the ppm)



Well-Known Member
I gotta give credit where credit is due. Thanks to hash lover for allot of the essential information and knowledge I have gained through our growing tutorial/training.
Much appreciated bud:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Wow, big improvement, those plants look pretty healthy. Keep up the good work (Your top right plant is the SSH right?) Looks the most Sativa-ish of the three, be forewarned those SSH like to stretch and bush the hell out. Mine are going crazy, literally, each node is double stacked on my plants. My tallest is 12 inches at 2.5 weeks in veg, greenhouse seed's suggests a 4 week veg for SSH. But at this rate they will be way too big at 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
In the begining I had 10 Blueberry seeds and 5 super silver haze seeds. I killed some of them off and now Im left with unidentified plants.
I believe the two in the back are the same, and the one in the front is of its own. I am assuming the two in the back is blueberry because i had more blueberry seeds when i originally started. So therefore the one in the front would half to be super silver haze. I DO NOT KNOW THIS FOR SURE. It is purely 100% a guess.
What do you guys think these are? Blueberry or super silver haze?
These plans are starting to grow leafs... where the leafs meet the main stem.. is that cool or what? Its growing leafs on excisting leafs( i think these are called the nodes?)?

Wow, big improvement, those plants look pretty healthy. Keep up the good work (Your top right plant is the SSH right?) Looks the most Sativa-ish of the three, be forewarned those SSH like to stretch and bush the hell out. Mine are going crazy, literally, each node is double stacked on my plants. My tallest is 12 inches at 2.5 weeks in veg, greenhouse seed's suggests a 4 week veg for SSH. But at this rate they will be way too big at 4 weeks.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I gotta give credit where credit is due. Thanks to hash lover for allot of the essential information and knowledge I have gained through our growing tutorial/training.
Much appreciated bud:bigjoint:
Your very welcome. I'm glad I was able to help and see your babies thriving.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
In the begining I had 10 Blueberry seeds and 5 super silver haze seeds. I killed some of them off and now Im left with unidentified plants.
I believe the two in the back are the same, and the one in the front is of its own. I am assuming the two in the back is blueberry because i had more blueberry seeds when i originally started. So therefore the one in the front would half to be super silver haze. I DO NOT KNOW THIS FOR SURE. It is purely 100% a guess.
What do you guys think these are? Blueberry or super silver haze?
These plans are starting to grow leafs... where the leafs meet the main stem.. is that cool or what? Its growing leafs on excisting leafs( i think these are called the nodes?)?
Lot's of leaves means lots of energy for the plant to grow nice big flowers. I like that 5 gallon tub. Looks more the right size. Seems to be working good with your nutes. This is my first grow with these fancy store bought seed. So I sure could not guess what the strains are. I was getting seed from a friend when I lived down south who did outdoor growing. Was always fun to see what the plants turned out to be like. Here's a couple pics. Bloom #38 is almost 6" tall at that point.



Well-Known Member
Im starting to develop spots all over my leafs, only near the tips. It looks as if the color of the leaf is fading in these spots. Its gotta be something with my new setup. I just set this whole thing up today; new tub, fresh water, fresh nutes, fresh balanced pH.
I can see it happenings 2 of the plants. The strange thing is, its only happening on the older (mid aged) growth and not the new.
EDIT: there is a shininess to parts of the leafs close to the faded areas.



Well-Known Member
I got my PPM meter in the mail today. I checked my hydro and its reading 1450 PPM.

That sounds a little high to me.

The drinking water that I bought today is 310PPM

My tap water is 236 PPM

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
As for your spots, I'm going to take a guess (very hard to tell by the pics) that you might be having a calcium deficiency. The only one of the 3 Foxfarm nutes that has any mention of calcium is the Big Bloom, Rock Phosphate is on the label. The others don't say. I've been having a slight problem with that myself. I don't think it has anything to do with your new setup. To me it seems to soon, and must have been starting before this change. I'll do some quick checking and get back to you.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I got my PPM meter in the mail today. I checked my hydro and its reading 1450 PPM.

That sounds a little high to me.

The drinking water that I bought today is 310PPM

My tap water is 236 PPM
I don't have a meter myself and is one reason I use distilled water only. But I think 1450 is way to high.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
That the thing if you don't use distilled or filtered water you don't know what is really in it. If it's public water I've heard you can go to there web site and find out.