Raidermans white russian grow


Well-Known Member
Yes indeed. I have a bunch of packs I haven't even cracked yet and 4 more on the way. Time to phase something out for a while to make room. Probably seed my purple wrecks and store those for a later date.
i like the idea of putting back some seed... how will you go about this?


Well-Known Member
i think he meant save those extra pacs till later on.
Actually I am going to creat F-2's. I always keep the best male of something if I like the strain. I have some purple wreck males that were the bushiest plants I have ever grown. I took clones from this and killed off the big male. I keep them in 8 oz cups which keeps them small until I am ready to make seeds. Then I transplant them into 2 gallon bags and they explode in a matter of days into very large males which create all the pollen I need. I will do an open pollenation of two males and three females (one Train dom, one purple dom, and one just amazing pheno). Then I have all the traits I want preserved. I will also do a controlled line cross of the bushy male with my incense smelling pheno to try and boost the yield on it.


Well-Known Member
discarded another male . i see several females. tomorrow i'm sure i will be able to identify all of them and transplant to 3.5 gal. buckets.soil mix is ocean forest and 20 to 25% perilite .:leaf:


Well-Known Member
transplanted the WR into 3.5 gal. buckets.i am doing 10 WR , 2 g13hp,and anyhting over 9 females on the Bcheese will go in to the bigger area,


Well-Known Member
will take pics a little later on. the total of both the other finished grows was 27 ounces with 17 plants. maybe we will do better this time.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
will start flowering in a few days. the bottom fan leaves already have standing trichomes on the fan leaves, gonna get me a good mother here.and one of the B cheese and the g13 hp.;-)


Well-Known Member
will start flowering in a few days. the bottom fan leaves already have standing trichomes on the fan leaves, gonna get me a good mother here.and one of the B cheese and the g13 hp.;-)
Sounds good Raider, got my Bluemoonshine and Silver Bubble so I am excited! Had a buddy get robbed for a massive amount so things are fucked up here in the Northeast...


Well-Known Member
as soon as my money cleared they ran out,lol,they'll get more.:bigjoint:funny, eveytime i hear a plane near sometimes i turn off the lites,do you also,lol.


Well-Known Member
i tend to only worry about helicopters. i've only seen one fly low over the area where i live now.... just once. used to be choppers would fly low over me in florida like twice a day, that shite drove me crazy.


Well-Known Member
i finally figured it out that they do flying lessons for two hours in the evening,i started trippin at first before i figured it out .


Well-Known Member
i finally figured it out that they do flying lessons for two hours in the evening,i started trippin at first before i figured it out .
Yeah I used to live in town and everytime I seen cops driving around my street I would freak out, lol. I will post the situation of my friend as soon as I determine if it is a security risk or not.


Well-Known Member
will post some pics of the plants tomorrow. the average is 16 in inches high, so i will start flowering tomorrow so i can go on spring break in mid april lol.have 12, and any more than 9 female B.Cheese will go in to the bigger ya tomorrow.......cntnd......


Well-Known Member
here some nu pics.bc is really short and stocky, gonna be great.thier 5 weex today.will set the timer 12 12 tonite at 8 pm. for the wr.some wr have trichomes on the bottom fan leaves, must gonna be some stiky shit.also looking for sex on the bc and found 10 females ina row. the res i cant tell yet. i ordered ea. pax from different places. it doesnt say feminized seeds. i know i ordered reg. seeds. or maybe its i'm not used to getting that lucky on fem. rate,lol.



Well-Known Member
i cheked the sex on ea. one and everyone of the bcheese are females, hmm, i ordered the ea pac from different places, anyway i am puting 16 in the closet 2gal. containers, puting 3 more in the garage for a total of 31 plants, a whole lot more than i imagined.