first cfl grow! pics.


Active Member
So this is my first CFL grow. First time growing indoors in general, actually. The first picture is the little setup I have. (nothing special.)
I've got two 75watt grow lights on top, and two 70 watt cfl's on the side. The one on the right is actually 1 week younger, yet it's alot larger.. (hopefully not a male!)

Anywho, in the last two pictures you can see some kind of insect has been gnawing at the leaves?! I haven't seen any at all! And it's only on one leaf on one plant. Peculiar?

So what do you think?



Active Member
I noticed that you left the plastic covers over your lights, Taking it off would dramatically increase light quality.


Active Member
Looks pretty healthy from what I can tell. I have a single leaf that something was eating. This is also the one and only leaf on my plant that this happened to. Weeeird

I noticed that you left the plastic covers over your lights, Taking it off would dramatically increase light quality.
I bought floros similar to those and yea, I would take off the covers.


Active Member
wow! i didnt even think about doing that..hah. it's much brighter.
No Prob, I also had similar lights at one point, probably the same ones if they are "Light of America" brand. They worked very well for me.

You plants look healthy as far as I can tell. I had similar problems on my leaves, I have reason to believe it was ants.

Also, don't be afraid to let the leaves grow into and touch the flourescent rods, as the rods will not cause any harm to the leaves.


Active Member
hey, you guys said you had similiar lights so i might as well ask..
how would you hook up a timer to these lights?
the only outlet they have is for the plug in to give it electricity.
there's like nowhere. unless somehow i could connect a timer to my surge protecter. ideas?


Well-Known Member
my avatar pic is actually a pic of my cfl grow its a baby lemon skunk...if you have any q's about cfl grows i have a large knowledge base on it due to guerilla growing indoors without my roomates knowing about it..i use 2 42 watt cfls and 1 4' four tube T5 flouro and a regular 4 tube t12 with excellent results everytime and deff. am on the poorer side of growing so you need anything let me know


Active Member
Buy a security timer and one of the brown extension cords with three outlets from Walmart (Should cost less than $15.)

Then just plug the timer in to the wall outlet, run the extension cord from the timer to the lights, and plug them all in.


Well-Known Member
heres my simple set up just 2 42 watt cfls got more for flowering,4 tube t5 on top, 4 tube t12 on back wall, mylar all around.