My Milk jug bud


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so i been using this thread alot lately as this is my first grow. So thanks to lots of you. Just figured i would throw up some pics let you guys check em out and maybe get a laugh out of my jugs. these guys are now on the end of there 3rd week from seeds. are they looking the right size? all between 5" and 8 1/2". all i have is my shitty blackberry pearl for pics but there half decent. let me know what you think.. peace Strawberry



Well-Known Member
and hey i just noticed ur pot idea??
sorry for telling everyone ,but thats fucken mean imma use that next time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man works good. minus the fact there a little see threw and word on the street is thats not to good. but there already gonna be in 4 gal within a week.


Well-Known Member
Yeah maybe its fine i just heard its not good for the roots that are on the inside of the wall shown to light.. could be wrong like i said first grow just figured i would go for gold with 31 lol 9 white rino 9 northern night 9 bubble gum and 4 were un marked just tossed in :S


Active Member
huh i didnt no that lol oh well never mae a diff to me and lol thats the way the first time i grew sumthing it was like 40 of them lol they didnt live as i didnt no wtf i was doing but i learnt heaps of stuff i was only young lol


Active Member
The real question is, how did u get so many 2gal milk jugs? lol
This thought came across my mind when I used to manage a coffe shop. Looking good!


Well-Known Member
HAHA well to tell the truth there all water jugs and i just put all the water in 5 gal buckets knowing all be needing it lol. And as a little exparement i tossed the one as you guys could see in the 5 gal bucket the thing GREW an inch over night :d thats crazy... mean i need to get my shit together and get them all in 4 gal pots within the week. but an inch over night blows me away.. guess thats why they call em weed


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so i figured i would throw up some new pics here i wanted you guys to see my special 3 leaf clover ;) its always grown 3 leafs at once instead of it normal 2 has anyone had this happen? Its hard to make it out on the recent picture of it so i tossed one up of when it was younger its easier to notice. And also tossed up another of my biggest weed plant ever grown yet :D shes already in the 5 gal and has grown 3 inchs in about 2 or 3 days so amazing. Cant believe how hooked i'em already love these guys. so again inputs always good and enjoy peace Strawberry



Hey guys so i figured i would throw up some new pics here i wanted you guys to see my special 3 leaf clover ;) its always grown 3 leafs at once instead of it normal 2 has anyone had this happen? Its hard to make it out on the recent picture of it so i tossed one up of when it was younger its easier to notice. And also tossed up another of my biggest weed plant ever grown yet :D shes already in the 5 gal and has grown 3 inchs in about 2 or 3 days so amazing. Cant believe how hooked i'em already love these guys. so again inputs always good and enjoy peace Strawberry

its not that uncommon; but plants normally grow out of it and begin to grow with the usual branch pattern.... if she doesnt grow out of it, clone the piss out of her... assuming its a she:-P


Well-Known Member
Yeah man as long as it ends up being female..... hope so just for cloneing might be my 3 leaf momma HOPE SO :D


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so i figured i would throw up some new pics here i wanted you guys to see my special 3 leaf clover ;) its always grown 3 leafs at once instead of it normal 2 has anyone had this happen? Its hard to make it out on the recent picture of it so i tossed one up of when it was younger its easier to notice. And also tossed up another of my biggest weed plant ever grown yet :D shes already in the 5 gal and has grown 3 inchs in about 2 or 3 days so amazing. Cant believe how hooked i'em already love these guys. so again inputs always good and enjoy peace Strawberry

This guy used to sell "triplenode" seeds for like $20 000, then $10 000, now they are only $400 for 10 seeds.

I dont think the triplenode trait can be passed on through clones. After like 6-10 nodes it probably wont do it anymore. But if you pollinated it and you could get seeds to grow triplenode you could potentially make a lot of money selling them.



This guy used to sell "triplenode" seeds for like $20 000, then $10 000, now they are only $400 for 10 seeds.

I dont think the triplenode trait can be passed on through clones. After like 6-10 nodes it probably wont do it anymore. But if you pollinated it and you could get seeds to grow triplenode you could potentially make a lot of money selling them.


as i said, they normally grow out of it, but IF it doesnt......


Well-Known Member
COOL so i guess there not to to common hey? i mean people get eh but only so often. these seed i had orderd from nirvana. there really quick for shipping so far anyways. Thanks for the input guys :D I choose not to show these beautiful plants off to people that come around so its nice to be able to show them off on here.. ;)


COOL so i guess there not to to common hey? i mean people get eh but only so often. these seed i had orderd from nirvana. there really quick for shipping so far anyways. Thanks for the input guys :D I choose not to show these beautiful plants off to people that come around so its nice to be able to show them off on here.. ;)

i've gotten one once,,, but it only kept that growth pattern until about 8in tall.... but it still was alot bigger than the other 4 i had growing of the same strain...

thats what this site is here for bro... so you have an outlet to show off and talk to like minded people