It seems the only way for our country to end this would be to:
a)get rid of Bush first and foremost
b)let the "Iraqi government" know that regardless of the situation, the time has come for them to step up and take over their country with some damn testicular fortitude! And stop saying, "We can't do it we are not ready", they are not ready cause we've been holding their hand!
c)bring our boys home and give them and all the families that have lost loved ones due to this shit financial compensation and stock in the Haliburton monopoly, I mean company.
d)seeing as how we should have a better president after losing this asshole(we have to, I mean, two dipshits back to back-what are the fucking odds!)
we should deploy ambassadors to All middle east countries for a peace summit that we host not lead but host and let everyone have their say and nobody leave until they work a resolution!
Good God, I am but a lowly stoner citizen and even I can see what needs to be done!