Poll:Best germination method

Highest germination success rate

  • Soil

    Votes: 6 17.6%
  • Jiffy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Peat cube

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Greenhouse

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Paper towel

    Votes: 20 58.8%
  • Soak in Water

    Votes: 9 26.5%
  • Different method(please describe)

    Votes: 4 11.8%

  • Total voters


Active Member
i usually use the paper towell method but if u dont keep a eye on them the room pops out to quick and u have to handle them more carefully but i recently been doing the seeds in a glass of water and they slightly crack after a day if good seeds or two and a bit easier to handle no root interaction


Well-Known Member
So, the paper towel method is tried and true and thats what I have always used and always had great germination rates (as im sure many of you have) I say a post on here one day saying to look at the taproot through a microscope on a paper towel. Sure enough the little hairs had grown through the papertowel and to get them off it would require breaking them. Dont take this wrong the paper towel method DOES WORK and i used it but after seeing that I much prefer soaking them in a shot glass and it seems to work in about a day less than paper towel.


Active Member
iv heard about using a porous sponge before and puttin it in a zip lock ... they say the pores in the sponge help promote root growth because easier to spread out before planting in soil.. can anyone else ellaborate on this or ever hear anything similiar.......? i might try it out on next experimental grow n will post pictures..


Active Member
weird i get way higher success rates by soaking them.In film canister using mineral water.With paper towel best ive had germinate is 50 percent usually i only get 10 percent or none at all.With the soak method i usually get 100 percent


Well-Known Member
My highest success rate is with Cotton Wool.
I put the cotton wool in a breakfast bowl and wet it, pour off excess water.
place the seeds on top of cotton wool so they have water on 1 side and air on the other (top)
cover with a plate and put somewhere warm.
Never fails me.


Well-Known Member
100% germ rate using papertowel in a bowl covered with cling film and placed in the airing cupboard. Pop within 24 hours everytime.


Active Member
I put mine in the hot water cupboard.Could it be not enough warmth.If i gave it warmth do you think i can germinate my old seeds that did not germinate.