My first 3 chamber closet grow with Blueberry


Well-Known Member
Sorry you lost me :?

Do you mean to say "Get another 2 clones ready" so that all 4 pots are in use & in motion? If so then its ok because I had 6 clones to start off with & 2 I got rid of (which were in RW) & these clones which have shown roots are all in RR.

Another thing: should I transfer them to the clay pebbled filled pots right away or let them root a little more?
Oops, I thought you only had 2 clones rooted but you have four, great stuff, your good to go.

Weather to put them in the system now or not I can't tell, as I don't know how well rooted they are. Ideally, You want to see multiple roots starting to break through the cubes before putting them in your system.

Well done again Iloveit, your first cloning attempt was a success :-P


Well-Known Member
Oops, I thought you only had 2 clones rooted but you have four, great stuff, your good to go.

Weather to put them in the system now or not I can't tell, as I don't know how well rooted they are. Ideally, You want to see multiple roots starting to break through the cubes before putting them in your system.

Well done again Iloveit, your first cloning attempt was a success :-P
Thanks to you its going great, but I must be honest I was considering packing up the entire set up or selling it off after watching a very compelling documentary called "The Arrivals" on youtube, they began banning some part due to the exposure of the governments plans for a new world order (NWO). I heard a few things when I was a child but this lengthy documentary sum up everything. Sorry I got side tracked their I just felt like sharing this because I have a whole new perspective on life now, I know this is a cultivation forum so Ill stop.

For now Ill see how it goes with the grow & I must say you were absolutely correct with the BioBizz Grow nute (which Im adding to the mother plant) the plant is thriving, the leaves have grown bigger than ever & overall its growing very fast WOW thank again Trickky :hug:


Well-Known Member
Whoa there Iloveit!

Calm yourself, sure enough the government are steadily working towards George Orwells 1984, but they are a long way off from complete control of it's people.

Besides they seem to be focusing most of their energy on gaining complete control of other (oil producing) countries at the moment, and until they can control the east, then we in the west can relax a little.

I will have a look for that documentry tho, sounds interesting.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link Trickky but I managed to d/load the series & have watched them all, I just feel that the bad & evil people were someone else but now I understand how we have been divided by their evil methods & intentions. Ive known about the freemasons for a while but had no idea it was as deep as this. Share your opinions with me when you have finished watching the series.


So I transfered the clones into small pots with clay pellets to allow some veg time before transferring into the Atami wilma system.
They seem to be doing ok with the prop dome permenantly off for the past day so Im going to leave it as it is (like they say if its not broken dont attempt to fix it :roll:). Humidity is a little low (as usual) @ 31% for the past hour & temp at 24C. And the roots are begining to grow a little more take a look...



Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear it! ;-)

It's been a couple of days since you posted those pics so I should imagine they will be ok to transplant into your system now?

How are they looking?


Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear it! ;-)

It's been a couple of days since you posted those pics so I should imagine they will be ok to transplant into your system now?

How are they looking?
Ive decided to keep it in the cloning chamber to allow some veg time, when it eventually out grows the chamber Ill transfer it into the flowering chamber & keep it on 18/6 cycle until its a lot taller then Ill switch the day/night cycle to 12/12.
At the moment the clones have developed a yellow shade of tiny smear spots on the higher leaves (see pics). Until yesterday I had been watering the cones by misting unPHed water on the clay pebbles until it drips through the bottom holes of the pot. Now Im watering with 6.5 PHed water but the clones are growing slowly maybe Ill add a little Superthrive to give it a kick. However the roots are growing flufy & white take a look at the pics...
Propagator is still on to increase humidity within the pots in between the clay pebbles.



Well-Known Member
They are looking good.

Just a tip, but the roots are going to fill those pots within a few days, and its gonna take very regular watering to keep those clay pebbles wet enough for the roots to feed. Also if you want to get some serious growth from them then they need to be out of the propagator now.

So just a suggestion, but, I think you would be wise to put them into your system soon. You can still veg in your system for as long as required, in fact you will get to where you want to be much quicker, and without the risk of your roots drying out.

As for nutes a little drop would be really helpful about now, I'm sure I don't need to emphasise alittle ;-)

Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
They are looking good.

Just a tip, but the roots are going to fill those pots within a few days, and its gonna take very regular watering to keep those clay pebbles wet enough for the roots to feed. Also if you want to get some serious growth from them then they need to be out of the propagator now.

So just a suggestion, but, I think you would be wise to put them into your system soon. You can still veg in your system for as long as required, in fact you will get to where you want to be much quicker, and without the risk of your roots drying out.

As for nutes a little drop would be really helpful about now, I'm sure I don't need to emphasise alittle ;-)

Keep up the good work.
The clones are in the propagator but without the hood. I am going to place them in the new system, Ive just been slacking :sleep:. To be honest I placed them in the brown pots to buy a little time so I can clean out the 3rd chamber with H2O2 & the wilma system too (I can be obsessive compulsive sometimes ).
Ill add a little superthrive & maybe 1/4 of the biobizz grow in the next watering.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link Trickky but I managed to d/load the series & have watched them all, I just feel that the bad & evil people were someone else but now I understand how we have been divided by their evil methods & intentions. Ive known about the freemasons for a while but had no idea it was as deep as this. Share your opinions with me when you have finished watching the series.

Haha good to hear that bro. You already know how much I love The Arrivals :bigjoint:

Clones are looking good. Look forward to seeing the results!

subscribed and +rep


Well-Known Member
Quick update on the clones:

All 4 clones have developed tiny yellow spots on the higher leaves & it doesnt look like they going away so Ive started to give them BioBizz nutes yes I know its too early for that so I only added half a millilitre to 230ml of PHed (5.6) water. Trickky your advice was to Ph the water @ 6.5ish which I did for the past couple of days so I thought Id feed em water @ 5.6 PH just to see how they react (Ill be transferring them in the wilma system soon).
Ive been watering the clones by misting the clay pebbles until water is leaked out the bottom of the pots which is when I stop & give them a shake to clear away the excess, IS THIS THE CORRECT WAY TO WATER CLONES IN ROOT RIOT CUBES WHICH ARE IN CLAY PEBBLES?



Well-Known Member
I don't think you have a ph problem as such. 6.5 may be a little high tho as you are in effect (clay pebbles) already in hydro, so dropping it a little is a sound decision.

I think your main problem is how you are watering. Those pebbles work great for dripper or Flood and drain systems, where they are kept relatively moist at all times. They are not so good for watering manually tho, unless you give them a good soak every 2-3 hours.

I know your gonna get them into your system soon so that should sort them out.

Oh and back to the ph, 6.5 is going to be a little to high in your system also. I haven't used a dripper system before, but have used flood and drain systems (clay pebbles) and I run the ph @5.8.


Well-Known Member
Oh and it's not too early too add nutes. The roots have grown considerably out of the cubes and the pebbles you are using are inert. So a very mild feed will be great for them.

Another sound decision Iloveit, your getting good at this ;-)


Well-Known Member
Oh and it's not too early too add nutes. The roots have grown considerably out of the cubes and the pebbles you are using are inert. So a very mild feed will be great for them.

Another sound decision Iloveit, your getting good at this ;-)
Yay, Im still a little concerned about the yellow spots & discolouration of the leaves, Ill play around with some other nutes I have lying around as always Ill keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
mate it looks like you've got a Magnesium and perhaps nitrogen deficiency.

You should start at 1/8th of recommended dose of nutes and work your way up gradually.

any pics of the yellow spots?


Well-Known Member
mate it looks like you've got a Magnesium and perhaps nitrogen deficiency.

You should start at 1/8th of recommended dose of nutes and work your way up gradually.

any pics of the yellow spots?
It looks like a iron deficiency so Ive added a little biobizz grow, see post No. 292 but it difficult to see the tiny yellow spots.


Well-Known Member
could be, but from what i've read Magnesium and Calcium deficiencies are more common.

Good luck mate
Thank you Im gonna need it & I must thank you for your words of wisdom. If you come across anything new (you know what I mean) then PM me.